Pretty Poetry For Everyday

Person writing a love poem

7 Ride Or Die Love Poems For Him

Inside: 7 ride or die love poems for him to know that you’ve only got eyes for him… and you’re on board for anything that comes your way.

Are you one of the lucky ones? Deeply in love with someone that you plan to hang with until you die? These ride or die poems are written by people in love all over the world that feel what you feel for your man. No matter the story, the dynamic, the journey to get to where you are, if you’ve found your ride or die, you’re a lucky one.

Sometimes you don’t even realize you’re in this place until you really come to the realization that anything this person throws your way is alright with you. (Within healthy reason of course…) But your ride or die is the person you will defend to the death and be ready to take a bullet for. That’s an intense love, but it’s strong.

If you want to make sure he knows that he has your devotion like this, you’re going to want to read these poems and be ready to send them to him. These are so cute, I just know he’s going to love them.

Sending love poems can be a nerve-wracking thing. Wondering all the questions, like is this cute, does he feel the same? But if he’s your ride or die, you likely already know that he feels the same and is ready to read anything that tells him how you feel about him.

ride or die love poems for him

Love is a strange thing, but when you’re in it, it only has to make sense to you and him. And reading love poems from other people that feel the same way will make you fall in love all over again, and you’re going to want to see them as soon as possible!

If their love language is words of affirmation, they’re going to love receiving these. If YOUR love language is words of affirmation, you’re going to love sending them, and he will still love to read them knowing that they come from a sincere place for you.

Here are 7 ride or die love poems for him that you can confidently use to express your love for him and show him you’re here until the end.

What Does Ride Or Die Mean

It’s a pretty self-explanatory term, but if you haven’t heard it, there’s a simple explanation.

Ride or die simply means that you would truly do anything for the person you love. It doesn’t have to mean a romantic love, but it can be your best friend kind of soulmate, your siblings, or your lover.
It really means that you plan to go through thick or thin together, go the distance, and see it through until the end. This kind of bond can form any which way, but it’s pretty typical to become the dynamic of a relationship when there have been many obstacles overcome throughout your time of being together or being friends. Or over vast amounts of time.

My best friend from highschool is who I consider my ride or die. Now even almost ten years after graduation, she knows everything about me and the more life I go through, the more she knows. And vice versa. We don’t speak daily, but I can call her after almost two months and say, “time to catch up,” and we get all caught up in a night. If someone starts to pick a fight with her, I don’t care what it’s about, I’m taking her side and will back her up. She’s my ride or die.

If your love is your ride or die, let him know by sending these poems. Nothing comes between you two!

Ride Or Die Poetry

1. ~ride Or Die ~ Poem

Yesterday I touched you,
You held me,
I felt your sweet embrace…

Looked deep into your eyes,
Your memory never to erase,

Today only this pen and paper can convey
The love I have deep inside,
So I sit here missing you
Writing these words for you to hear

So you know my love is true
I will always love only you…

Like Romeo & Juliet,
Or Bonnie & Clyde,

I am your Ride Or Die ~

By Dawn Rodgers

Edgy woman with tattoos

2. Ride Or Die

have I lied
as to who was I
always what you see
is what you get.
Trying to help
make life better.
We met
a tumultuous love affair
one that haunts me to this day.
Whirlwinds of romance
dancing beneath the moon
skating upon the frozen lake
all while holding you dear.
I am who I am.
I never did lie.
I am the woman that will ride or die.
thrown in my face
sneer upon your lips.
I never meant as much to you
as you did to me
this is something that I must place
within a framework of understanding.
I still do not get
how you could walk away
say good bye so easily?
Who I am
is exactly who you see
no fantasy
only reality.
Would have given you everything
would have given you my all.
You twisted my words
made me feel small.
So I had to leave.
No relationship.
No friendship.
A solid good-bye.
Time has come
no longer any tears
sympathy is what I feel
for the ruination of something so good.
Ride or Die.
That is my creed.
I loved you with everything I had.
I loved you with my soul.
You could have had me forever
you shunned my heart.
Ride or Die.
You will never know another woman like me.

By Daisy Mae

3. Away & awake

Let’s go to a place
that we don’t know.
Take my hand
and never let go.
Just the two of us is all
that we need.
Baby your love is all
I can keep.

By Max Castro

Love Poems

4. Bonnie And Clyde (Ride Or Die)

You were so beautiful, blue eyes, red lips
and your heart of gold.
You danced with the devil and he made you cold.
He left after he made you broken and mindless.
Then an angel came to you,
he was part heaven, part hell, part sin, part bliss.
Leather jacket, gold watch, silk tie.
Live by the moto, men ride or die.
If you want to get high you can go ride.
If you’ll be his Bonnie then he’ll be your Clyde.
Moves like Fred Astaire, he walked on air.
Cary Grant looks, classic hair.
James Dean eyes, he captivated with a stare.
Boys like to talk, men like to walk.
Boys like to know, men like to show.
Boys like to play, men want to stay
Leather jacket, gold watch, silk tie.
Live by the moto, men ride or die.
If you want to get high you can go ride.
If you’ll be his Bonnie then he’ll be your Clyde.
He’ll love you after 50 bullets go into his heart.
At the end he said “Baby we won’t ever part.
It didn’t end well but we made life a little swell.
Baby I can’t wait to love you when we get to hell.”
Leather jacket, gold watch, silk tie.
Live by the moto, men ride or die.
If you want to get high you can go ride.
If you’ll be his Bonnie then he’ll be your Clyde.

By Frankie B

Person walking at night

5. Ride Or Die

Of fateful nights when lovers paths cross
Unfamiliar places, trespassed
Vast portions of the oceans collide
Arranged by universal co-conspirators
From past lives, I’m certain
On sandy beaches of epic proportions
Drinking our potion of love
Concocted by his charm
Feelings conjured by his effervescence
Our love is aged wine, personified
Strumming my pain with his intoxicant
Constantly consumed by thoughts of him
Our pseudo-drunkenness overwhelms me
Grand visions of perpetual inebriation
This is more than infatuation
A love addiction, certainly
At times I stumble when I walk
Awaken in a daze
Thoughts uncontrollable
Heart palpitating
Palms sweating
I am not myself
Can’t think, can’t breathe
My thirst he quenches religiously
As an offering of his devotion
What has he done to me?
As I were once known
Ride for him
Die for him…
Flashbacks of relationships not reciprocal
Anxiety ensues
Sweat dripping profusely
When you ride, I ride, we ride together

By Nikki Coco

Poems For Him

6. My Dearest Love

I see you in my thoughts and dreams.
When I awake, how real it seems.
You aren’t here to comfort me,
But soon I hope you will be.

No one truly knows or understands;
You have my heart in your hands.
My love is what you truly own.
Come soon and make our house a home.

Inside those walls you are doing your time,
Not being here with me is your only true crime.
Others in your life will come and go,
But my love is true, and I’m sure you know.

I may not be rich or the prettiest one,
But I love you so much; you are my sun.
You light up my life every time you call.
When the time is up, I begin to fall.

You are my stars, you are my moon,
Being with you will come very soon.
So when you sleep, take this to heart,
No one or nothing will keep us apart.

By Sherri Brown

People holding hands in front of a red sky

7. Your Ride Or Die Chick Poem

We can get threw what ever together baby,
ill be your ride or die chick.
nobody can break us apart,
i love you and i will always be by your side, ill be you ride or die chick. always on my mind.
Never thinking twice, always pleasing your last command nobody will be put be for you not even my own life.
nothing can break us apart not even death its self i will always be right here next to you pleasing your every wish,
we can get threw what ever, ill be your ride or die chick baby.

By Beatriz Adriana Flores

Being in love is strange, and you can’t truly put words to the feeling and how you feel about your special someone. But you can try! And these poems are all from people who have tried to put words to how they feel.

One of the best ways that you can describe your commitment and devotion to someone you love is by expressing to them that you plan to ride it out to the end. Love is scary when you think about the uncertainty of it all, but as you spend more time and continue to develop the trust within the relationship, you can totally get to the point where you consider each other your ride or die.

If you’re dating, engaged, or married, these poems are for you and your partner. Continue to build the love and keep the romance alive with beautifully written love poems for him. Poetry is the words of your soul, so speak through others’ words.

Need something shorter? Here are 23 haiku poems about love for everyone. Short, sweet, and to the point.

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