Pretty Poetry For Everyday

little sister in field

18 Little Sister Poems for Every Age

Inside: Little Sister Poems That Might Make You Smile.

Anyone who has a little sister can tell you, there are moments you love them more than anyone in the whole world… And there are moments that you can’t stand the sight of them.

That’s the general ebb and flow of sisterhood. Of course it’s natural to sometimes argue with someone you spend as much time with as your little sister. But it’s possible to form a strong friendship with your sister, especially as you get older and wiser.

We’ve put together this collection of 18 Little Sister Poems for Every Age to celebrate the special bond sisters share.

little sister poems for every age sisters hugging

6 Sweet Little Sister Poems

1.Goblin Market by Christina Rosetti

For there is no friend like a sister
In calm or stormy weather;
To cheer one on the tedious way,
To fetch one if one goes astray,
To lift one if one totters down,
To strengthen whilst one stands.

goblin market poem

2. My Misfit Charlie by Caroline

When I was small I tried filling your shoes.
Not much has changed, it’s what I still try to do.
As time has gone by, I still see what I saw then,
Not only are you my sister, you are my friend.
We laughed and cried together with arms open wide.
When I lost who I was, you gave back my pride.
You are a part of me as the moon is to the stars,
And always remember I am me because of who you are.

3. The Sun and Her Flowers by Rupi Kaur

it isn’t blood that makes you my sister
it’s how you understand my heart
as though you carry it
in your body.

rupi kaur poem about sisters

4. Sisters by Michelle Boisseau

We strap our sandals and sneak off.
Madeline trips on a tree stump.
Nancy and I hold her mouth
To stop the laughter.

5. My Sister, My Friend by Lien Steigman

To me, you are an angel in disguise.
Full of intuition, you are intelligent and wise.
Always giving and helping through good times and bad.
You are the best friend I’ve ever had.
If I had one wish, it would surely be
To give you as much as you’ve given to me.
Though we’ve put our relationship through some cloudy days,
You’ve been my sunshine in so many ways.
Through trials and tests, right by me you stood,
And you gave me your hand whenever you could.
Thank you so much, my sister, my friend.

my sister my friend poem

6. What is a Sister? By Jessica Shaw

A sister is someone special to me.
A sister is someone to fight with.
A sister is someone to cry with.
A sister can sometimes understand you better than anyone else can.
A sister is there for you through good times and bad.
Some sisters are close.
Some are far apart.
Sometimes you might wish you could change your sister.
But if I changed just one thing about my sister it might ruin something.
Of course my sister wouldn’t be the same.
But most important it might ruin our sister relationship.
We are as close as we could possibly be.
Some people think a sister is just a sister.
But my sister is more than that.
She is and will always be my best friend.
And my sister will always be very special to me.
Because I couldn’t picture what my life would be like without her.

Pesky Little Sister Poems

7. Always There by Rachel S. Lengefeld

I’ll always be here through thick and thin.
You can come to me, I’ll listen.
I’m your friend, I won’t push you away.
When you need a hug, my arms are wide open.
When you need to talk, I have an open ear.
You’re growing up and getting older.
Know that I’m always here, I’m not going anywhere.
Wherever you are, I’m there with you.
You’re in my heart and my prayers.
Just know I’m here, because I truly care.
You’re my sister, you mean so much.
Don’t want to see you hurt or cry.
I’ll wipe the tears, I’ll get rid of your fears.
Want to see you grow up and achieve.
Just believe, have faith,
You can do anything.
You’re beautiful inside and out.
You’re smart and very talented.
You’re many things, but most of all, you’re my sister.
I believe in you, and know that I’ll never stop loving you.

8. Thank You Letter to Sister by Katie A. Neale

Thank you for being there and for giving me a chance.
Thank you for giving a care and not judging with a glance.
Thank you for your support and your loyal heart.
Thank you for no report and no judging on your part.
Thank you for trusting me through the good times and the bad.
Thank you for seeing me through the hard times that we’ve had.
Thank you for being born, and I thank God that you’re alive.
Though our friendship may be worn, we will always get through that strife,
Because we are sisters and each other’s family.
Like old pictures or an ancient memory,
This will never end, this friendship that we made,
Because we can depend on cherished moments that we saved.

Thank you to my sister poem

9. A Message to my Sister by Mary Nagy

When we talked yesterday
your pain was so apparent
even though
you wouldn’t say.

I could feel you
through my computer.
I could feel your pain
and your desire
for happiness.

I have faith in you
and if I could send my strength
acrossed the many miles
to help guide you
through the roads
that are bound to get rough
I would.

Prove everyone wrong
show them
that you have suffered
long enough
and that now
you will accept nothing
less than happiness.

We were born into pain
and abuse.
Don’t stay there.
You are so young still
and what a survivors story
you will have
when you overcome
all your obstacles
and create the life
you’ve never dared to dream!

10. She is Mine by Kara N. Deigert

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.

At one time, there was an uncertain birth
Which came the youngest sister of mine
Would she die or live?
We would only know in time

So little hair, yet so blonde
Her eyes were the color of the sea
She only weighed four pounds, so small
And when I looked at her, she looked like me

As she grew older, she looked up to me
She did everything I did, and it made me mad
I constantly told her to get lost
And that made her feel bad

On June 18th, I had to watch her leave
I cannot believe I had to say goodbye
But when I see her in three weeks
I cannot wait until I get to say hi

This is my little sister, Chelse
And I am very proud to say
That when she gets a bit older
She will be just like me one day

She walks around with confidence
A little girl, she is only nine
People ask, Is she your sister?
And I reply proudly, Yes, she is mine.

11. One Sister Have I In Our House by Emily Dickinson

One Sister have I in our house –
And one a hedge away.
There’s only one recorded,
But both belong to me.

One came the way that I came –
And wore my past year’s gown –
The other as a bird her nest,
Builded our hearts among.

She did not sing as we did –
It was a different tune –
Herself to her a Music
As Bumble-bee of June.

Today is far from Childhood –
But up and down the hills
I held her hand the tighter –
Which shortened all the miles –

And still her hum
The years among,
Deceives the Butterfly;
Still in her Eye
The Violets lie
Mouldered this many May.

I spilt the dew –
But took the morn, –
I chose this single star
From out the wide night’s numbers –
Sue – forevermore!

12. My Sister by Hannah Hausler

sisters are…
clothes borrowers
fit throwers
cover stealers
secret keepers
an enemy, a friend,
a conversation without end,
pretty and sweet
tea party with treats
dress up, mess up, fess up, get punished,
fights over nothing, sharer of dreams
a headache, a pain, she gets spoiled again,
a princess, a brat, she ruined my hat,
I love her, I miss her, I tease her, I kiss her,
she is my family and that means more to me
what would I do without her?

little sister love poem

Cute Lil’ Sis Poetry

13. A poem for my sister by Angela Gatch

Even though we are miles apart
It’s like your still here next to me.
Because i keep you in my heart.
When you feel down look for me in your dream
We have been there for each other our whole lives.
No one can ever take your place.
Your shoulder is what i have used for my cries.
You have made me laugh when i had a frown on my face.
We are sisters and friends.
I love you my sister till the end.
I could not imagine my life without you
You are my rock.
I can’t wait to see you when you come home all new
I hope you never have to leave us again.
Just always remember i love you my sister.
And i will be here till the end.
So look for me in your dreams.
When you need a friend
Or you just want to scream.

14. About the Little Girl that Beat Her Sister by Ann Taylor

Go, go, my naughty girl, and kiss
Your little sister dear;
I must not have such things as this,
And noisy quarrels here.

What! little children scratch and fight,
That ought to be so mild;
Oh! Mary, it’s a shocking sight
To see an angry child.

I can’t imagine, for my part,
The reason for your folly;
She did not do you any hurt
By playing with your dolly.

See, see, the little tears that run
Fast from her watery eye:
Come, my sweet innocent, have done,
‘Twill do no good to cry.

Go, Mary, wipe her tears away,
And make it up with kisses:
And never turn a pretty play
To such a pet as this is.

15. Acrostic Sister Poem by Stephanie Cruz

She picks me up whenever
I feel down
She is always
Every time I need her
Right now, She’s my best friend

Kid sibling poems

16. One Plus One Equals Two by Debbie A. Burrous

One plus one equals two, you see,
But somehow it’s different with you and me.

When we’re together, we share one mind.
A happier pair you’ll never find.

I’m only complete when you are near.
To lose you someday is my biggest fear.

You know my dreams and my every thought.
No stronger bond could ever be sought.

We have a lot in common, it’s true,
But who’d have thought, who ever knew?

Twins we’re not, so it’s not ESP,
But I’m not complete unless you’re with me.

More than friends, I can’t explain it all.
With you as my sister, I feel 10 feet tall.

As sisters and friends, we’re quite a pair.
One soul, one mind is what we share.

You make my world a better place.
I live each day to see your face.

It takes two halves to make a whole.
My heart and yours, we make one soul.

16. Sister Acrostic Poem by Estela O. Canama

Sister is a gem in the family
Intelligent and kind to everyone
Secure and provides our needs
Teaches us to be good stewards
Encourages us in times of trouble
Responsible and, most of all, God-fearing

17. bliss through my sister’s smile by Poet Undertaker

Seashore, pleasant breeze
Sparrows, daffodils, gulls in the blue –
my baby sister smiles

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