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Smart Technology & How it Integrates with the 21st Century Home

Smart Technology & How it Integrates with the 21st Century Home

The world has gone global thanks to the World Wide Web and we hear smart this and smart that as people realise the implications of living in a digital world. Since the 1960s when we discovered that information can be sent via the airways using ones and zeros, things have changed for the better and with our current Internet 3.0 and the 10x speeds of 5G, the future looks rosy.

Energy-efficient domestic appliances

Take the latest generation of washer dryer combo as an example; this amazing appliance uses miminum energy and is fully automatic. Put the clothing in, add power and softener and when the wash cycle has finished, it goes straight into the drying cycle. Of course, no one expects you to go out and replace all your home appliances, but as one nears the end of its life, you can replace it with a smart appliance and eventually, you have a smarthome.

Bluetooth technology

This was invented in the 1990s and after constant development, we now have a system whereby digital devices can communicate with each other using zeros and ones. We all have a set of Bluetooth headphones and over short distances, digital data can be transmitted and received. The 21st century smarthome has several wireless routers and a secure cloud network, enabling device communication at the speed of light.

Central control panel

The smarthome is controlled from a single interface located in the kitchen; from there you can set the climate control, manage your solar energy and calibrate the CCTV cameras that surround the property. Indeed, every system can be managed by the smart central controller, allowing you to remotely manage your home from any geographical location.

Artificial Intelligence

AI is already playing a major role in today’s society and AI systems can easily manage a home; machine learning will create intelligences that are far beyond anything humans can do. Many factories are already fully automated and it only takes 2-3 technicians to manage a large production facility.

Cutting-edge home security

The 21st century home is about as secure as it could ever be; Motion sensors kick in when movement is detected, while your smarthome can greet a visitor and notify you of their arrival. Of course, you need an Internet connection to be able to remotely view and manage your home security system, otherwise the system remains local.

Wireless communication

Bluetooth technology enables wireless digital communication, which forms the basis of smarthome application; a few wireless routers is all you need to connect all devices; your central controller is in fact, a small computer that enables the homeowner to manage all devices and systems.

Many Australians are starting to create a digital home network and when buying home appliances, make sure that they are smart-enabled and before long, you can set up a central interface and start your journey to full automation.

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