Pretty Poetry For Everyday

The Benefits Of Taking Care Of The Environment That We Live In Today & Always.

The Benefits Of Taking Care Of The Environment That We Live In Today & Always.

If we destroy the world that we live in here in Thailand then there’s nowhere else to go or at least not for now. Mister Elon Musk has plans to take us all to Mars but you can be pretty sure that it won’t be in your lifetime of a lifetime after that. We need to start caring more about the planet that we live on and taking care of the environment is something that most people hold dear to their hearts but there are others who just don’t want to pull their weight.

Thankfully there are clothing companies out there that offer us things like Nudie jeans and this is clothing created with the environment very much in mind. These are jeans that are not meant to be thrown away when they get damaged and people are encouraged to repair them and wear them again and again. Many people are not aware of the fact that clothing waste is a major contributor to the problems that we currently have on the planet that we live on. We all need to start taking better care of the environment today so that we can enjoy the following benefits.

  • It contributes to good health – Industrialization has changed the way that we live and also the air that we breathe. We have to contend with pollution every single day of the week and it is coming from expansion from building contracts and the increasing number of vehicles that are driven around your local area every single day. If you start doing your bit for the environment then we start to look at other alternatives like riding a bike to work or investing in an electric scooter.
  • It guarantees our food supply – We don’t really think about where our food comes from and we just expect it to be on the supermarket shelf so we can take it home and cook it. There is a lot going on behind the scenes and the people who produce our food need to be able to rely on clean water supplies, soil that is fertile and a climate that is conducive to growing our food. The earth is getting hotter every year and so this affects our food production, so we need to do our bit again and try to reduce these major changes in seasons.
  • We can be more productive – Pollution costs the global economy almost $5 trillion in losses every single year and the reason why this is happening is because people are running into health problems due to the heavily polluted land that we live on. We need to put restrictions on the amount of activity that we are doing in order to keep the earth sustainable so that we can be more productive and create a better environment for all.

These are just three of the reasons why we all need to take better care of the planet that we live on and to protect it for many generations after we’re gone.

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