Pretty Poetry For Everyday

goodbye poems for kids

21+ Goodbye Poems for Kids

Inside: Goodbye Poems for Kids that made us shed a tear.

Saying goodbye is never easy. It can be especially tough for kids of all ages, especially when they are the ones moving and leaving their friends and school behind.

Friends can be a strong lifeline for kids, but telling them goodbye is one of the hardest things kids have to do. As parents or teachers, we are the ones who have to offer them a shoulder to cry on, and be strong for them.

In times like this, we hope you’re able to lean on these 21 Goodbye Poems for Kids to find comfort in sad times.

goodbye poetry for kids List of poems

1. A Little Work by George Du Maurier

A little work, a little play
To keeps us going – and so, good-day!
A little warmth, a little light
Of love’s bestowing – and so, good-night!
A little fun, to match the sorrow
Of each day’s growing – and so, good-morrow!
A little trust that when we die
We reap our sowing! And so – good-bye!

2. Goodbye Forever by Catherine Pulsifer

Goodbye are the words we often say
When people leave for work for a day
But when we say goodbye for forever
We realize we are no longer together.

Goodbyes can be so hard
Sometimes leaving us scarred
But time has a way of healing things
Life has more hello’s to bring.

So while you may feel sad today
Keep moving forward it will be okay
Express your feelings and even cry
You will feel better as time goes by.

3. Why does Good by Kate Summers – Goodbye Poems for Kids

Why does good appear
When goodbye means I disappear
What’s the good in not seeing you
It just means that I will be blue.

I think goodbye should drop the good
Just “bye” would be better understood
So from now on the good is gone
And only “bye” will be my song.

What does goodbye mean?

4. Leaving is Sad by Catherine Pulsifer

What we had was something unique
Similar to a special antique.
I wish I didn’t have to leave
Life without you is hard to conceive.

Life without you won’t be the same
But I do hereby proclaim
I wish you luck and much happiness
But leaving is sad, regardless.

5. Farewell by Sam Fickinsen

Farewell, so long
Means I am gone
Today, tomorrow
Leaving brings sorrow.

See ya around
The words they sound
Like goodbye
I say with a sigh!

6. Saying Goodbye by Catherine Pulsifer

Saying goodbye is never easy
Actually, it makes me queasy
So let’s just say see ya later
Keep in touch by email or notepaper.

Goodbyes seem like the end
But we will always be friends
We may be separated by miles
Just say keep in touch and smile!

Saying goodby poetry for kids

7. A Farewell by Charles Kingsley

My fairest child, I have no song to give you;
No lark could pipe to skies so dull and gray;
Yet, ere we part, one lesson I can leave you
For every day.

Be good, sweet maid, and let who will be clever;
Do noble things, not dream them, all day long:
And so make life, death, and that vast forever
One grand, sweet song.

8. Moving Day by Catherine Pulsifer

Today I come to say goodbye
I will miss you, I can’t deny
But as I move to another town
Leaving you makes me frown.

I will stay in touch, I promise that
I will call you often and we will chat.
It won’t be the same I know
But we can call and say hello.

So I won’t say goodbye, I’ll say so long
You’re a friend indeed, one who is lifelong
The bonds we share will never break
We will keep in touch, of that, there is no mistake.

9. Fare Thee Well by M.E.B.

Fare thee well, my heart is weary
The sunshine fades, the clouds remain
And all around seems dark and dreary.
Until I see thee once again.

Yet I would never mar thy gladness,
A fond farewell, and happy be;
Forgive thy little friend her sadness,
As all the world is fair to thee.

10. Forget-Me-Not by Arthur Franklin Fuller

No letter comes from you my dear —
So soon have you forgot?
In these sad eyes there shines a tear —
Sweet friend, forget-me-not!

Oh! would that I within your heart,
Had gained so warm a spot,
To treat me so, such pain would start,
You would forget-me-not.

May Time twine roses in your hair,
A thornless path allot —
Of all that’s good a bounteous share,
And Faith — forget-me-not!

Thy “fare-thee-well” was sweet and kind,
With hope these lines I jot —
Again to come before your mind
And say — “Forget-me-not!”

11. Goodbye, my dearest friend by Leilani Hermosa Peterson

The hardest part of any friendship
is when it is time to say goodbye,
and even though I wished I could make you stay,
I know I have to let you spread your wings and fly.

For life is a journey that needs to be traveled,
and I am certain you’ll make it through.
I just want you to know and never forget
that I will surely miss you.

So follow your heart and never give up,
as dreams and wishes do come true.
I know that someday we’ll meet again,
so never forget I will be praying for you.”

12. Never Part by Bailee Simler

When I saw you
in the hall,
I knew you would
be the best of all.

I talked to you for
the very first time,
you ended up being
my partner in crime.

When you cry
I’m going to cry too,
because the pain
is shared between me and you.

Since we’re going
a different way,
don’t be sad because
in my heart you will stay

Miles apart
but friends from the start,
I know in my heart
we will never part.

13. Dear Friend by Grinnel Willis

Dear friend, ’tis hard to say farewell,
And harder yet it is to tell,
In parting words, how strong the tie
We sever now in this good-bye.

We all shall miss thy gentle grace.
Thy willing hand and cheerful face;
No other friend thy place can fill.
Though absent we shall claim thee still;

God bless the work thou hast begun,
And guard thee in the years to come.
And when thy heart is weary, or alone.

15. Through the Years by Emily

You helped me laugh
You dried my tears
Because of you, I have no fears
Together we live
Together we grow
Teaching each other what we must know
You came in my life and I was blessed
I love you, friend
You are the best
Release my hand and say good-bye
Please, my friend, don’t you cry
I promise you this, it’s not the end.
‘Cause like I said, you’re my friend.

Goodbye friend poem

16. As my favorite teacher

Leaves and goes away

I love her very much

Is what I want to say

As she explores

A whole new future

I want say how much

I’ll always miss her



17. You Will Be Missed by Stephanie Beaudette

Saying goodbye
Was the hardest thing to do.
I never thought I would,
Especially not to you.

You always listened
And knew what to say,
Knew when to give a hug
When I was having a bad day.

No one will ever take your place.
I can always promise you this.
It’s hard to find someone like you,
So know you’ll always be missed.

Throughout the years Goodbye

18. Lucky Soul by Brittany

I am such a lucky soul
To have friends as good as you
‘Cause when worries find their way to me
And I’m unsure what to do…

I just think of you and remember
Something you said or a story you told.
It makes me laugh and gives me joy
That you should be so bold.

You’ve taught me many things
That I did not know before,
Brought clarity, enlightenment,
That I must thank you for.

Your kindness is revered,
And this I have no doubt,
That we’ll be friends eternally
And that I cannot live without…

I admire you and that is why
For now it’s hard to part,
But it won’t be long that I’ll be gone,
And you’ll be in my heart.

Keep Your Head Up Quotes

19. To My Friend by Sarah R. Leavell 

I am so glad I met you.
Although our acquaintance wasn’t long,
You have made a big impact in my life.
It is thanks to you
That I’ve remained strong.
Your friendship means the world to me.
Believe me, it truly does,
And I just wanted you to know that
From me, you will always find love.
Now we are going our separate ways,
Maybe never to meet again.
As long as our friendship holds true,
Our connection will forever stand.
We may not have been best friends,
But that is just a title,
For the kind of friendship we do share
Is more active than it is idle.
I am going to miss you.
I know we said we would keep in touch,
But that is what everyone always says,
But it never seems to mean much.
So this is why I am telling you now
How much you truly mean to me,
Because anything could happen in the future,
Tomorrow is something I may never see.
Yes, I am going to miss you,
And I wish you the very best.
Please always try to remember
That you are truly blessed!

20. My Friend by Shaquria Mckoy

We’re parting
Our ways,
But I’ll never
Forget you,
The day
When I had
First met you.
Over the years
We’ve been through thick and thin,
But I’ll never forget you,
My friend.
I love you,
Held you so close to my heart.
None above you
Drawn to you from the start.
I can’t believe
I’m leaving you,
But the love I’ve found
Was oh so true.
And I hope
It will never end.
I’ll miss you,
My friend.
We’re not on the
Same road,
But it doesn’t mean I’ll
Forget you.
I’ll still help
Carry the load
The only thing
I don’t regret is you.
Holding onto
What we have,
Just can’t
Let it go.
It’s just too special,
What we had,
And I just want
To let you know
That just because
We’re parting ways
Doesn’t mean
I’ll ever forget you.
The day
When I had first
Met you,
My friend.

21. Good Luck, Friend by Unknown

It’s sad to see you leave
But I wish you luck in wherever
you may be
I hope you remember our fond
memories of this town
Don’t forget to keep in touch
But I know you will anyway
Here’s a goodbye for now, friend.

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