Inside: Rainbow Poem Ideas and Printables for Rainbow Lovers.
Rainbows are symbols of hope. They represent a moment of peace after a storm, both in nature and in life.
Rainbows have served as colorful muses for poets for generations. When they show their rare beauty, it’s easy to be mesmerized by their cheerful colors.
We have gathered a collection of Rainbow Poem Ideas and Printables to bring you the same joy that seeing a rainbow in the sky brings.
Funny double rainbow YouTube video
7 Colorful Rainbow Poems
1. When You See A Rainbow by Catherine Pulsifer
When you see a rainbow
The colors they do show
They blend together so
Some even seem to glow.
The first rainbow to appear
Was brilliant and so clear
It was God’s promise of no more rain
A promise that still remains.
God’s promises hold true
To this day they continue.
So when a rainbow you do see
Thank God and happy be!
2. My Heart Leaps Up by William Wordsworth
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky:
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
3. The Rainbow Poem by Christina Rossetti
Boats sail on the rivers,
And ships sail on the seas;
But clouds that sail across the sky
Are prettier far than these.
There are bridges on the rivers,
As pretty as you please;
But the bow that bridges heaven,
And overtops the trees,
And builds a road from earth to sky,
Is prettier far than these.
4. A Promise
A rainbow is a promise of:
sunshine after rain
calm after storms
joy after sadness
peace after pain
love after loss.
5. The Rainbow by John Keble
A fragment of a rainbow bright
Through the moist air I see,
All dark and damp on yonder height,
All bright and clear to me.
An hour ago the storm was here,
The gleam was far behind;
So will our joys and grief appear,
When earth has ceased to blind.
Grief will be joy if on its edge
Fall soft that holiest ray,
Joy will be grief if no faint pledge
Be there of heavenly day.
6. Riding a Rainbow by Kenn Nesbit
I’ll ride on a rainbow
to soar through the sky.
I’ll ride on a kite
as it flies way up high.
I’ll ride on a dragon.
I’ll ride a balloon.
I’ll ride on a rocket
and ride on the moon.
I’ll ride on the wind
and the sun and the stars,
on floating bananas
and flying guitars.
I’ll ride on a cloud
and a unicorn too.
I’ll ride in the seat
of a magical shoe.
But why would I ride
on the sun and the stars?
It’s so much more fun
than just riding in cars.
7. Red, Yellow, Green And Blue by Catherine Pulsifer
Red, yellow, green, and blue
Across the sky, they give a clue
Sometimes turquoise and purple
Sometimes single and maybe a double.
They make us stop and pause with awe
The beauty of them drops our jaw
How brilliant is the sky
The beauty we can’t deny.
And at the end of the rainbow
We would like to follow
To see if there is a pot of gold
That is what we have been told.
Be thankful for the beauty of the sky
Rainbows and the clouds that float by
Take a moment, stop and look
It can change your outlook!
Cute Rainbow Rhymes
8. Rainbow Poem on the Mountain by Ruby Archer
See―the Sky has lent her jewel
To the Mountain for an hour
Has forgotten to be cruel
In a kind caprice of power
And the dusky bosom rounding
Wears the opals with an air
And a fine content abounding
In the sense of looking fair.
Now the Sky demands her crescent―
Brightest bauble of her store;
Slow it fadeth, evanescent,
And the Mountain smiles no more.
9. Rainbow Colors by Lingokids
Red and yellow and green and blue,
Rainbow colors for me and you!
Colors for me,
Colors for you,
Rainbow colors for me and you.
Red and yellow and green and blue,
Rainbow colors for me and you!
10. The Rainbow by Walter De la Mare
I saw the lovely arch
Of Rainbow span the sky,
The gold sun burning
As the rain swept by.
In bright-ringed solitude
The showery foliage shone
One lovely moment,
And the Bow was gone.
11. Inspired by Matthew Williamson
I’m continually inspired by nature, and
The rainbow is one of nature’s greatest optical phenomenon.
The sighting of a rainbow never fails
To bring a smile to people’s faces.
They signify optimism and positivity:
With them comes the sunshine after the rain.
12. The Rainbows by James Baldwin
Out of water, clear and white,
Who has built a bridge so bright?
Light the fairy arches rise,
Tinted with their glowing dyes—
Gold and red and azure blue,
Like the sunset’s rarest hue.
Right against the dusky sky
Shines the path-way, fair and high,
From the valley, cool and green,
Where the floating mists are seen,
To the mountain far away
In the distance, dim and gray.
Busy fancies, strange and sweet,
Throng the bridge with fairy feet,
Crossing to the wondrous land
There the cloudy castles stand;
Till the gray mists slowly fall
Like a curtain over all!
13. Raindrops by Caroline W. D. Rich
Falling, gleaming in the sunshine,
Down upon the fragrant hay
Came a thousand tiny raindrops
Like a fairy host at play.
Through the clouds a golden sunbeam,
Like a smile, from heaven came;
Instantly the falling raindrops
Changed into an arch of flame.
14. Rainbow Acrostic Poem by Kim Derla
Real teardrops fall
After all goodbyes.
In every memories that
No one can replace
Be with me all the days
Of my lonely life.
Without you,
Summer really turns into fall.
Rainbow After the Storm Poems
15. The Rainbow by Emilie Poulsson
Magical, magical weather
When sunshine and rain meet together!
They weave of the drops and the radiance soft
A glorious rainbow that arches aloft,
A rainbow whose wonderful colors amaze,
A shimmering rainbow that fades as we gaze.
16. On This Long Storm The Rainbow Rose by Emily Dickinson
On this long storm the Rainbow rose—
On this late Morn—the Sun—
The clouds—like listless Elephants—
Horizons—straggled down—
The Birds rose smiling, in their nests—
The gales—indeed—were done—
Alas, how heedless were the eyes—
On whom the summer shone!
The quiet nonchalance of death—
No Daybreak—can bestir—
The slow—Archangel’s syllables
Must awaken her!
17. The Sea Of Glass by Ezra Pound
I looked and saw a sea
roofed over with rainbows,
In the midst of each
two lovers met and departed;
Then the sky was full of faces
with gold glories behind them.
18. The Rainbow by Effie Waller Smith
Love is a rainbow that appears
When heaven’s sunshine lights earth’s tears.
All varied colors of the light
Within its beauteous arch unite:
There Passion’s glowing crimson hue
Burns near Truth’s rich and deathless blue;
And Jealousy’s green lights unfold
‘Mid Pleasure’s tints of flame and gold.
O dark life’s stormy sky would seem,
If love’s clear rainbow did not gleam!
19. The Rainbow by John Keble
A fragment of a rainbow bright
Through the moist air I see,
All dark and damp on yonder height,
All bright and clear to me.
An hour ago the storm was here,
The gleam was far behind;
So will our joys and grief appear,
When earth has ceased to blind.
Grief will be joy if on its edge
Fall soft that holiest ray,
Joy will be grief if no faint pledge
Be there of heavenly day.
20. Rainbow Poem by Viv Wigley
It struts peacock-like when the rains have gone,
but visible from only the one side,
to folk who from behind sun shines upon,
those facing its bright rays will be denied.
Get closer, as the superstitious do,
and hopes arise with each step they draw near,
in vain seeking treasure, although they knew
the closer they get, it would disappear.
From far off we must seem the happy pair,
our faithfulness tied bow-like round the years,
but close up lie the strains, the wear and tear,
frustrated arguments that no-one hears.
Our hearts not washed in seven coloured stain
rainbow faded, long showers still remain.
21. A Rainbow Foundation by Anonymous
Once a spider built a cobweb on a rainbow bright and gay,
For she thought its brilliant colors would entice her lawful prey.
But, alas! the sun descended, and the bright bow was no more.
And the weeping, webless spider was left homeless as before.
“After this,” I heard her mutter to herself, “I’ll be content
With foundations not so showy, but more firm and permanent!”