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Top Tips for Installing Solar Panels and Batteries - Save money for a Quarter of a Century

Top Tips for Installing Solar Panels and Batteries – Save money for a Quarter of a Century

Why going solar makes sense now more than ever

Are you fed up with the enormous cost of your electricity bills? Want to know how to save money for years and years to come? There has never been a better time to install solar panels and solar batteries. The quality and reliability of the products on offer has never been higher, there is government support through rebates and there are responsible companies to guide you every step of the way in the installation process. So why delay in making the most of all that free sun in Australia?

What to look out for when installing solar panels?

There are an ever-increasing number of solar companies in Australia so it can be daunting when setting out on the journey and transition to solar power. Important things to look out for are:

  1. Quality installation procedures
  2. Quality products that will last and be cost-effective
  3. A company with a strong in-house team that can do everything for you
  4. Professional no-messing consultancy like that available at Renewco Solar.
  5. Seamless and stress-free work from start to finish.

Starting your solar journey and the long haul

An assessment of your solar needs is the first step on a stress-free and seamless transition to cheaper bills. Companies will provide consultations suited to your specific needs that may be very different to a larger business’s priorities. A quote will be provided after an initial assessment and after agreement, the system will be installed. look for a company with a long track record, many installations and positive reviews. After all, companies are popping up in this sphere like mushrooms. There are many reputable companies that can guide you to the goal of cheaper electricity for at least the next 25 years.

Benefits of Solar

You will have the power over your own power destiny with cheaper electricity for a quarter of a century or more depending on the life of the system.

Warranties and after-sales support

Solar is not something that is installed and then forgotten about. As with investing in any new tech you should consider a company that has a proven track record in providing solid after-sales support 24/7 and make use of the enormous amount of free advice available on solar.

Government support and grants

In Australia, there are many grants and subsidies offered to people willing to upgrade their homes and businesses with solar panels and systems. And there is more good news – a recent decision by the government provides $1000s of dollars in extra help for people installing solar batteries effective November 1st 2024. Why is this important? Storing power for later use is key in any solar system so that when the sun doesn’t shine you still have free power.

So why not sleep easy at night knowing the sun is still working for you and you are no longer a slave to the greedy electricity companies? Go solar today and never look back.

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