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What Types of Dentures Are Available Through Online Services?

What Types of Dentures Are Available Through Online Services?

Dentures are traditionally fitted in a dentist’s office and require multiple visits to gather accurate impressions of your teeth and jaw. The impressions are sent to a lab where your dentures are fabricated and sent back to the dentist for fitting. Online denture services have made it possible for customers to skip in-person dental visits by offering affordable dentures online. Here’s an overview of the types of dentures available through online services:

Full Dentures

Full dentures are devices designed to occupy the entire jaw at once. Upper full dentures replace all upper missing teeth, while lower full dentures are for the bottom teeth. You can order full upper and lower dentures together to replace all your teeth. Full dentures are usually acrylic and customized to fit your gums and jaw. A custom fit prevents the dentures from moving around when eating and talking. Full dentures are removable, allowing you to take them off for cleaning or sleeping. To keep them in good condition, use dentist-recommended cleaning products and procedures and store them in a glass of water when not in use.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are designed to replace a set of several missing teeth in your upper or lower jaw. Online denture providers offer upper and lower partial dentures to restore your smile’s appearance. These dentures also offer functional benefits, like more efficient chewing if you have missing molars and premolars. Some dentures replace one or two missing teeth and feature a base that sits on adjacent teeth and gums. While these options qualify as partial dentures, they’re known as 1-2 replacement teeth. Partial dentures are often made of acrylic and are removable for easy cleaning and maintenance.

Snap-On Smiles

Removable full or partial snap-on smiles are non-invasive cosmetic dentures that snap over your teeth. Unlike traditional dentures, snap-on dentures don’t affect your gum tissue or cover your palate. The design covers only the teeth and doesn’t require adhesives. Individuals use snap-on dentures to fix crooked, discolored, and missing teeth. These dentures cling to your teeth, allowing you to chew, bite, and speak without issues. Snap-on smiles are also removable and feature durable resin material and high-end TCS, making them lighter and more visually appealing than acrylic dentures. Snap-on dentures offer a quick, comfortable way to achieve a beautiful smile.

Nesbit Flippers

A Nesbit denture or tooth flipper is a removable partial denture designed to replace one or two missing teeth. These dentures feature a prosthetic tooth attached to an acrylic base that sits on your gums around adjacent teeth. Nesbit dentures rely on friction and pressure to stay in position and offer a temporary aesthetic solution for missing front teeth. Online denture services also provide rear tooth flippers, which serve functional roles for chewing. Like other dentures, flippers fill the gap left by missing teeth, preventing adjacent teeth from shifting.

Benefits of Ordering Online Dentures

Purchasing affordable dentures online allows you to take control of your oral health without leaving your home. Online companies use impressions to create custom, removable dentures that support chewing and help restore your smile and speech. Taking off the dentures may provide relief for your gums during the first month as you adapt to the new dentures. Some dentures feature adhesives to keep the denture in place, while others have metal and elastic materials. This secures the dentures in place and allows you to remove them when needed for cleaning or comfort.

Order Custom Affordable Dentures Online

Online denture services provide customers with impression kits and instructional videos on how to capture accurate impressions. Once the impressions are mailed back, the company begins the fabrication process and sends the customer a trial denture. This allows customers to confirm the fit and comfort of the device before receiving the final product. The final dentures are shipped to your address and offer the same quality as brick-and-mortar dental offices. Contact an online denture provider today to learn more about their services.

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