Pretty Poetry For Everyday

A birthday cake

27 Ideas For Funny Poetry For Birthday Celebrations

Inside: 27 Ideas For Funny Poetry For Birthday Parties & Cards.

Birthdays are the time for everybody to have fun and be a little more funky and goofy than normal. If that’s what you want to do anyway… I guess you don’t have to! It’s your day!

But if that’s how you roll or if that’s how someone in your life rolls, then this is a perfect opportunity to be fun and lighthearted. We all love a good sentimental birthday card in hearing what we mean to the people in our lives, but on your birthday, sometimes you just wanna crack a smile, and have some fun too.

If you’re planning to use a poem and a card, and if the person you’re giving the card to as a fun loving and goofy hearted person, they’ll probably love to get some funny poetry on their birthday. Send it in a card, write it in an email, use a short one to send in a birthday text… The options are endless, the possibilities for using funny poetry for birthday is totally up to you.

Here are some of the best funny poetry for birthday on the internet.

funny poetry for birthday Neon sign

Using These Poems

Realistically, it could be pretty obvious how you should use these poems to celebrate someone’s birthday.

The most common way to use funny poems for birthdays would be to just simply write it in a card, of course, and that’s creative enough on its own! Adding a poem to a card that didn’t already include one is already adding extra thought to a step that is usually so easy.

We pick up a birthday card to check it off the list, but adding your own words in your own funny little poem to it, makes it a little extra special. If this is for so that you’re not going to see in person or someone that is long distance, maybe even a grandparent, I recommend typing it up and sending it in an email to them. I know my grandparents love to get fun little emails from me, so if it’s a birthday, this is a fun way to add a little smile to their day, even if I’ve already chatted with them on the phone to wish them a happy day.

If this is for a friend, maybe use one of the short ones in this post to shoot over a text message. Even if you have plans to attend their birthday dinner tonight or a little house party, a little extra birthday text never hurt. It might be just a thing they need to start their day with laughter.

If you and your friends are the extra type, where everything is an event, and everything requires a speech, standing up to give a little toast at their birthday dinner with some goofy friends might require something fun and creative, like a funny poem regarding birthdays. There’s so many ways to celebrate someone’s birthday with a funny poem, and these are just a few.

Writing Your Own

If you’re interested in writing your own poem for this, this is easy to do. The best way to make it personal is to think of an inside joke, or anything that you know would make your friend specifically laugh, and put it into words.
You can mess around with prose and rhymes, but jot down the joke, and then write the stanzas around it. Set up the joke well, and this will go along way.

Remember that a first draft is always the toughest, so get everything down and then edit as you go! This is going to be a great way to personally tell your friend how much you value them and their friendship, and how much they put a smile on your face by putting one on theirs.

Funny Birthday Poems

1. Over The Hill

They say you are over the hill
That you have been thru the mill
The age you are is a number that’s high
But don’t you sit down and cry.

Life is too short as you well know
There is nothing you can do to make it slow
So live up this day and let the celebrations start
We love you even if you are an old fart!

by Catherine Pulsifer

2. Look Ahead

Oh, the day is here
But don’t you fear
Another year has passed you by
Please laugh, don’t you cry.

Be happy you made it another year
And remember many think you’re a dear
Time continues to march on
Not all is lost, not all is gone!

Look at the experience you have gained
Even though with your age you’re in pain
No sense in looking back
Look ahead and stay on track!

by Catherine Pulsifer

A yellow and pink graphic

3. For The Birds

Birthdays are sometimes hard to observe
Many people think they are for the birds.
Well, when I look at your age
I can see why you are at that stage.

Where did the years go
Another birthday, oh no
It only seemed like yesterday
We celebrated your birthday.

Oh who cares about age
Don’t let it discourage
Be happy and just say
It is just another day!

by Catherine Pulsifer

4. Your Age

This is the day you were born
Hope you don’t feel forlorn
Even though you are older now
We think you should take a bow.

The years have passed so fast
Your younger years are in the past
But don’t fret about your age
And don’t wish the years back to teenage

You may be slower and not as quick
Your age may make you feel sick
You can feel wrinkled and old
But we think you are worth more than gold!

by Catherine Pulsifer

5. Birthdays By The Year

We count our birthdays by the years,
And with each one we add,
We count them short, if they’ve brought joy,
And long, if they’ve been sad,
But count them the way we will,
For all hold joys and tears,
May we continue to see the ticking of the years!

by Unknown

6. The Day After Your Birthday

The day after your birthday,
you look in the mirror to see:
a) you’ve got a zit from eating all that cake;
b) your love handles have expanded a half inch;
c) you singed your eyebrows blowing out the candles.

The day after your birthday,
a) you require six extra hours of sleep;
b) you can’t find your living room under the birthday debris;
c) you wonder how you could possibly have done THAT.

The day after your birthday, it’s time to:
a) return some gifts (what IS that, anyway?);
b) call your friends and apologize for yesterday;
c) get out of the country, fast.

The day after your birthday…
we should all look so great
and have it so good!

Happy Birthday!
Appreciate yourself and your life!

by Joanna Fuchs

7. Birthday Invasion

Here they come, with birthday cheer,
Bringing gifts just once a year,
People you don’t even like;
You really wish they’d take a hike.

This should be a glad occasion;
But it seems more like a SWAT invasion.
Go away! Just take a break!
Oh well, at least there’s birthday cake.

by Joanna Fuchs

8. Half Baked

On your birthday, it’s time to reflect,
For the passing of time leads to change.
What once was important we leave;
Our priorities and goals rearrange.

It’s official; you’ve lived one more year.
You’re birthday gifted and caked,
But don’t think you’re fully mature,
‘Cause you’re really only half-baked!

by Joanna Fuchs

9. A Poem, A Verse, A Rhyme, Or Two

A poem, a verse, a rhyme, or two
I was going to write just for you
But then I thought what do I want to say
And just wrote Happy Birthday!

No sense going on and on
Reminding you the years have all gone
I just keep coming back
Today’s your birthday, that’s a fact.

And as I thought of years gone by
My pen just started to fly
Wow! that is a lot of years
Thinking of laughter and some tears.

So now here look what I have done
I have written too much but it was fun
So I will end with one last thought
Birthdays are free they can’t be bought.

by Catherine Pulsifer


A birthday cake by a blue wall

10. You’ve reached the age when happy hour means… a nap.

by Anonymous

11. I knew this gift would make you smile; it’s perfect for your many adventures,
Now you can take a bite out of life with a pair of brand-new dentures.

by Anonymous

12. I am sorry to hear, Smiling Jill (or other rhyming name)
That your birthday’s no longer a thrill,
All your friends think you’re great,
You should still celebrate –
You’re not old; you’re just over the hill.

by Anonymous

13. Your birthday is a joyous occasion; for family and friends, a special day,
A time to tell you how good you look, As we check you for signs of decay.

by Anonymous

14. Be glad you’re young at heart, And still, look as good as gold,
Too bad you’re not a millionaire, And can’t put your looks on hold.

by Anonymous

15. Don’t you hate it when all your joints ache?
All those candles are crushing your cake?
It just leads to depression
So change your expression
And party on, for Pete’s sake!

by Anonymous

16. Some people would say that your birthday is just another good excuse to have a really good booze up with your mates. I’ll drink to that! Cheers!

by Anonymous

17. I will never send you one of those greeting cards making fun about your age. I know how sensitive old folks are about their age.

by Anonymous

18. You were a wonderful child and you’ve become a wonderful man. Notice I didn’t mention anything about the teenage years. Happy birthday son.

by Anonymous

Birthday Poetry

19. Have some fun

Giggle a little and have some fun,
Because it’s your birthday fun,
Dance a little more today,
Coz tomorrow will be a new day,
So, enjoy your day today,
As it’s your birthday,
Wish you a happy birthday!

by Anonymous

20. Make Me Smile From Ear To Ear

On this joyous day I’ll share something to make you cheer
At our tender age, love’s power is quite clear
Our bond will never falter, it stands so grand and tall
Our love grows with every passing year like a magical waterfall.

So on this birthday let me tell you loud and clear
My love just keeps on growing with each new year
You make me smile from ear to ear
Forever more, greater love we shall share!

by Catherine Pulsifer

21. Your Zoo
A birthday should always be a joyous occasion,
Family and friends; obvious invasion.
Duplicate gifts, you don’t even like,
If you complain, might get a strike.

One simple day, placed on display,
Carefully observed, for signs of decay.
Dishonest smiles, they don’t mingle in truth,
As if you were the only, losing your youth.

At such a wise age, everything seems so clear,
Excuse to celebrate, they all came for beer.
Deep down inside, you know that they care,
Your Zoo is unique, normal is rare.

by Martin Dejnicki

22. Bright

Why did we get sunglasses for you?
Well, we know what is true.
When the candles on your cake are lit
It will be bright we will admit.

by Theodore Higgingsworth

23. A Birthday Workout

Hike across green Ireland;
Bike the USA;
Backpack through New Zealand,
But don’t call it a day…

Do yoga in lovely Paris;
Jump rope in Katmandu;
Avoid Italian pasta,
(Well, maybe taste, but don’t you chew!)

Climb atop Mt. Everest;
Do aerobics on China’s Wall;
Lift weights on Mexican Beaches;
And honey, that’s not all…

Shake your booty with native dances
In Fiji and Bora Bora;
Move your body and exercise
Like you’ve never done befora.

Okay; that’s good; you’re finished;
Now you can take a break;
You’ve finally burned enough calories
To have your birthday cake!

by Joanna Fuchs

Pink striped graphic with white text about a birthday

24. Can’t Remember

I wish you something, just can’t remember,
Don’t be upset, you’re my family member.
It was clearly, on my mind,
With so many thoughts, it’s hard to find.

Maybe it’s simply not that essential,
Please lose that frown, you have so much potential.
On second thought, it might be coming back to me,
Now I know, why those brain pills were free.

Visions appear of colorful balloons,
In the background, I hear those fine tunes.
Near the end of the dream, I can taste a delicious cake,
It must be your birthday, as I awake.

by Martin Dejnicki

25. Famous Birthday

Columbus was a famous man;
Einstein was one, too.
They were known to all, but then,
Along came you.

Davy Crockett, he could hunt;
Betsy Ross could sew,
But your fine qualities outshine them all;
You’re the greatest one we know.

To us, your name will always charm;
Your features we’ll never forget.
You’ll always be special and famous to us;
May your birthday be your best one yet!

by Karl and Joanna Fuchs

26. Age and Laughter
Happy birthday, you’re not getting old,
Stay in the game, it’s not time to fold.
Wrinkles and grey hair, are just a new look,
Countless experiences, you should write in a book.

A birthday is seldom, a serious occasion,
Try not to take it, like the d-day invasion.
Laughter and jokes are within sight,
Stock up on both, all through the night.

by Martin Dejnicki

27. Getting Older Birthday

It’s birthday time again I see;
Another year’s gone by.
We’re older than we used to be;
The thought could make me cry.

For getting older is not such fun,
When there’s hurting in your back,
And it’s agony if you have to run,
And a pleasure to lie in the sack.

Yes getting older is quite a bore,
But to not get old is worse.
So “Happy Birthday!” let’s shout once more,
And to heck with our ride in the hearse!

Hooray for getting older! Happy Birthday and many more.

by Karl Fuchs

On your birthday, don’t you love to laugh and have fun? Enjoying your time as what you should be doing on your birthday, so making sure that it’s a good one and you’re having a good time is important. So why not do the same thing others by gifting them with funny poetry for birthdays?

Nothing feels better than making your friends and family smile, and funny poetry is a perfect way to do so. Celebrating other people is so fun and could be so rewarding, so celebrate in style, and with words that show somebody how excited you are to celebrate their birthday. I hope you enjoyed reading these poems to pick one out as much as the authors enjoyed writing them, you just know that they are filled with joy putting these words to paper. However, you’re choosing to celebrate your loved one this week, these poems make a great addition to the festivities. Have the best time and wish them a happy birthday for me!

If we’re talking about the birthday of a special man in your life, try these funny love poems for him too. They’re so cute and fun, and you can use them all year round, not just on his birthday!

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