Pretty Poetry For Everyday

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7 Strong Poems About Trust

Inside: 7 strong poems about trust that will leave you thinking deeply about the different relationships in your life and how they are centered around trust.

Trust is the one thing that can make or break a relationship of any kind. While you can be upset and go through rollercoasters with a friend, family member, or partner without trust necessarily being broken, when they are, it’s a different kind of pain. Personally, the worst thing about broken trust to me is how badly I wish things could go back to how they used to be, but knowing they cannot.

However, the flip side of this horrible feeling is the beautiful and validating side of feeling like you can trust the people around you. Pinpointing the relationships and friendships that you love, value, and know that you can place trust in is such a unique and valuable feeling, and I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Whether you’re looking for poems that you can relate to in regards to the people you trust the most or if you’ve lost trust and need to know that someone feels the pain you do, you’ve come to the right place.

Broken trust or whole trust, it’s a powerful thing. Here are 7 poems by poets who relate and feel you.

Teal and black graphic Poems About Trust and relationships

The Four Aspects Of Trust

Trust is a big deal, obviously. You don’t need me to tell you that. But while it’s not just a big deal, it’s also a big concept that can be hard to break down. And whether you need to look at it closer to evaluate a certain relationship or determine at some point whether you actually trust this person or not, there’s definitely certain elements of trust to look for.

When you’re looking at someone you consider your best friend and confidant, or maybe a new partner, it’s a really good idea to hold these traits up to them and see if they hold true. Of course no one is perfect, but if these are true qualities you can see in them and see effort and intention in, then they are someone that you could trust your world with.

These elements are: consistency, compassion, communication, and competency.

You probably don’t need an in depth analysis on each of these and how they relate to being able to trust, but I know personally I let poor communication slide in the past. And this has created many situations where trust was broken beyond long term repair. Had I known to not place trust in someone that lacked a good communication ethic, I may have stayed clear of that hurt, and not needed some of these healing poems about trust! Ha.

So carefully analyzing who you place your trust in allows you to trust more freely, though it doesn’t quite sound like it.

Who Wrote The Poem “Trust”?

Among these seven poems about trust here, there is the most famous, written by the famous writer and author, D. H. Lawrence. He mainly wrote novels and stories, but he had a beautiful way of addressing the more tough parts of humanity to understand and process. The deeper parts that we don’t always care to address.

He wrote this poem titled “Trust” about a conversation between two people, hoping to regain the trust they once had in each other.

This is a popular poem because many of us can likely find peace in it, unfortunately. If you find yourself in it, you’re not alone.

This poem is doing its job. Making us all that have felt this feel a little less alone.

Love And Trust

Brown graphic with white script

1. Trust

It’s like so many other things in life
to which you must say no or yes.
So you take your car to the new mechanic.
Sometimes the best thing to do is trust.

The package left with the disreputable-looking
clerk, the check gulped by the night deposit,
the envelope passed by dozens of strangers—
all show up at their intended destinations.

The theft that could have happened doesn’t.
Wind finally gets where it was going
through the snowy trees, and the river, even
when frozen, arrives at the right place.

And sometimes you sense how faithfully your life
is delivered, even though you can’t read the address.

by Thomas R. Smith

2. Love And Trust

Life is not as bad as it seems
We only need the love
For each other
So that we can trust
One another

By Anonymous

3. Afraid

I was afraid to love
Until you show up
I was afraid to fight
Until you showed up
I was afraid to love
Until you showed up

By Anonymous

Broken Trust

Pink and white graphic

4. The Gardner

“Trust love even if it brings sorrow.
Do not close up your heart.”
“Ah no, my friend, your words are
dark, I cannot understand them.”
“Pleasure is frail like a dewdrop,
while it laughs it dies. But sorrow is
strong and abiding. Let sorrowful
love wake in your eyes.”
“Ah no, my friend, your words are
dark, I cannot understand them.”
“The lotus blooms in the sight of
the sun, and loses all that it has. It
would not remain in bud in the
eternal winter mist.”
“Ah no, my friend, your words are
dark, I cannot understand them.”

By Rabindranath Tagore

5. Trust

Oh we’ve got to trust
one another again
in some essentials.

Not the narrow little
bargaining trust
that says: I’m for you
if you’ll be for me. –

But a bigger trust,
a trust of the sun
that does not bother
about moth and rust,
and we see it shining
in one another.

Oh don’t you trust me,
don’t burden me
with your life and affairs; don’t
thrust me
into your cares.

But I think you may trust
the sun in me
that glows with just
as much glow as you see
in me, and no more.

But if it warms
your heart’s quick core
why then trust it, it forms
one faithfulness more.

And be, oh be
a sun to me,
not a weary, insistent

but a sun that shines
and goes dark, but shines
again and entwines
with the sunshine in me

till we both of us
are more glorious
and more sunny.

D.H. Lawrence

6. The Trust

You start with yourself
and are lucky if you ever
get past that. It’s a process
of winnowing. Say, you have
accomplished something–
a dragon, oleander or lion–
but how can you know the true
salmon’s touch when you cannot
trust yourself alone
like this with yourself.
You might call it creation,
picturing a theatre, the sun
having driven the rattlesnakes
to singing. Well, this
is the beginning: what you do next
will depend on nothing.

By James Tate

Green black and white graphic

7. I Have Learned

I have learned…
That trust is a powerful thing.
You have no idea what it may bring.
It can sting your heart
and tear apart your soul.
Or it can warm your heart
and enlighten your soul.

I have learned…
That trust is hard to discover.
It is buried deep down under.
People say it is easy to gain trust.
I agree with them in a way.
For them I have lost all trust.
I have decided to go my own way.

I have learned…
That trust means to lust,
and lust is a must.
Sometimes it can be an illusion,
but it is something you cannot deny.
Therefore, I have come to this conclusion.
Trust everyone but not the devil inside.

By Courtney

Trust is a beautiful thing.

In my experience, feeling lonely is less about having company or even a listening ear all the time or any time that you need it, but more about how safe you feel being able to trust the people that are the closest to you. Trust gives a feeling of safety and solidarity, and that cannot be fabricated or faked. It’s something real and true.

I hope that these poems have given you exactly what you came looking for. Words that meet you where you’re at and see what it is you’re feeling and how you can process them. Trust in both positive and negative lights can be a lot to think about. So these poems are meant to help with that, and I sure hope that they did.

If you’re healing a broken heart or broken trust in any way, check out these 45 self love poems to fall in love to… With yourself. When healing something that’s broken, the best thing to do is to find trust in yourself again.

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