Pretty Poetry For Everyday

Father's Day Acrostic

13+ Father’s Day Acrostic Poem Templates & Ideas

Inside: Cute Father’s Day acrostic templates with printable PDFs.

Dad’s are awesome! They are the most important guys in our lives…since day one. There are few people in our lives that mean as much to us as our Dads do, they’re just so special.

Since Father’s Day is heading our way, I thought we should take a moment to reflect on how great our Old Men are (even though mine hates it when I call him that).

This year, Father’s Day lands on Sunday, June 19th, 2022. And this is a day that will be full of love, laughs, and lots of father-child bonding time.

I feel like the rest of the year, Dads don’t get the recognition they fully deserve. They are just out here fixing things, reaching the top shelf for us, and protecting us when we get scared, and yet…we never get them flowers.

Dad deserves sweet words as much as mom does this time of year.

Father's Day Acrostic Poem Template PDFs

When it comes to expressing how much we care about our parents, it can be hard to find something that fully describes how we feel. Cheesy hallmark cards are nice and all, but they only scratch the surface. This is where poetry comes in!

Poetry is the perfect way to express your feelings in a fun, clear, and precise way that will leave your Dad feeling extra loved and maybe even a little teary-eyed. There are many different styles of poetry to choose from depending on your age, style, and what you are wanting to convey, so there is a way for every child to create a beautiful poem for their father. Today, we are going to focus on the young kids.

One of the most fun and easy forms of poetry for kids is Acrostic Poetry!

What is Acrostic Poetry?

Well, I am glad you asked! Acrostic poetry is a form of poetry where the writer will choose a specific word to use as a basis for their poem. They will use every letter in their chosen word to begin a sentence. Then by the end, you will have a poem that will spell out your word!

I made sure to put some examples below to give you a good visual of what this looks like. This is such a perfect activity for children. It’s simple, and fun, not to mention it helps them to work on their written word skills.

There are many ways you can go about this activity to make it even more fun for the kids. The first is to print out a cutely decorated template for them to work on. Not only does this make writing feel more special, but it’ll look extra cute and put together for Dad!

I put examples of Dad-Themed Acrostic Poems, as well as some of the best templates online to get you started. All you have to do is choose, download the PDF and print it out. Bonus points if you have your child help you pick which template to work on, it’s much more fun that way.

Plus they’ll feel like they really made this for their Dad, start to finish!

Famous Dad Poems

Dad Acrostic Poems

Here are some examples of what a Dad themed acrostic poem will look like. These are truly the perfect gift from a child to their Father, you will be able to see that when you are reading some of these examples.

You can also show these to your children if they need some inspiration for their own poems.

1. Father’s Day Acrostic Poem

Forgiving and patient, so kind,
Affectionate and loving, unconditional;
Tireless, hardworking without complaints,
Humble and gentle, never does he
Ever grumble in fulfilling our needs;
Resolute and unswerving my dad is,
Selfless, simple – epitome of sacrifice, and a strict

Disciplinarian, he instilled moral values in us.
About my dear dad, I have much more to pen
Yes..had I got more space, I would go on and on…

-Milton Hankins

2. Dad


Always there



3. Father’s Day

Foremost man from my first breath
Alpha male whose blood runs through my veins
Teaching me to take my first step
Harnessing my boisterous energy to groom
Ensuring that I grew up to be an upright citizen,
Raising decent and law-abiding kids of my own
Secured and content in my old age.

Demanding though was my dad, yet was lenient
Admonishing at every wrong step, yet supportive,
Yeoman’s work he did bringing me up right. Thank You.

-Abdul Malik 

4. Daddy





You are always there.


5. Father

Fantastic at bowling

Always there for me

Teaching me to be tough

Hero to the family

Expecting great things

Really the best dad a girl could want.


Father Acrostic Poem Templates

Here are some Themed templates that just use the word ‘Father’. Pick out the cutest one, print it out, and get started! I’ve found that having a template like the ones below helps to guide my children with the activity better than if you were to just use a regular pen and paper.

6.Father Acrostic Poem

7. Simple Father Template

8. Star Father

9. Printable Father’s Poem

10. Father Acrostic Poem

Printable Dad Acrostic Poem

Father’s Day Acrostic Poem Template

For this last list, I included templates that have a mix of words that are all themed around Dads and Father’s Day. If your kids are having a hard time getting started, I have a few tips: Before starting to write, have a discussion about their Dad.

  1. Ask them what their favorite things about him are, and what are some of their favorite memories?
  2. Do they have something they want to say to him that they need to include? Ask them what it is like to have a Dad.
  3. Then using their answers, you can help guide them with their poem. This is also a great exercise for you because it will leave you feeling extra appreciative of your significant other or your Dad even. And isn’t that what this day is all about!

11. Father’s Day

12. Dad Acrostic Template

13. 10 Letter Fathers Day Template

14. 5 Letter Daddy Template

15. Blank 3 Letter Dad Template

16. Father’s Day Decorated Template

I hope you loved these and were able to find a template that was helpful for you and your kiddos. Until Next time!

Father's Day Acrostic Poem

More Poem Ideas You’ll Love

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11 Best 20 Line Poems – Line poems are such a simple and sweet way to get your literary kick for the day. 20 Line poems are some of the best poems for creative inspiration, in my opinion. So I created a list of 11 of the best 20-line poems out there. Click here to give them a read!

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