Pretty Poetry For Everyday

15 Poems About the Color Blue

Inside: 15 Mesmerizing Poems about the Color Blue

Blue represents the vastness of the ocean and the expanse of the sky. And while it is rarely found in fruits and vegetables, when it is (e.g. blueberries), everyone seems to love it!

According to pop psychology, blue is a calming color. Whenever the eye sees the color blue, it sends a message to your brain that you are in a relaxing environment, lowering your heart and blood pressure. However, blue is also often referred to as an emotion: “feeling blue” means being sad. The history of this association is unclear, but it has become a universal expression that we hear in songs, read in stories, or even use in everyday conversation.

The bottom line is, blue is a color with lots of meaningful connotations. If you feel like expressing your inner feelings, you can always find a way to express it with the color blue.

The following poems about this color will inspire your imagination and emotions. They will paint in your mind the beauty and sadness of this color through the words in the verses. From describing the pigment in the things you see, up to the things you feel, these poems will definitely elicit a wide variety of emotions, images, and memories.

Blue Color Poems

Let’s paint the town with the color of the sea and sky with these poems.

  1. There are so many shades of blue;

Different tones and different hues.

Not all of them are sad

Though blue’s reputation is rather bad.

The ocean is blue and the sky is too.

Brides carry something blue when they say “I do”

Say something naughty and the air turns blue.

What sort of blue are you?
—Ms. Moem, Blue


  1. Perhaps you ache for freedom

For the blue that’s in your eye,

Was given as a present

From the fabric of the sky,

And when you’re gazing skywards

It’s no wonder that you yearn,

When part of what you’re made of

Always wishes to return.

Erin Hanson

Poems about the color blue

  1. 204

A slash of Blue—
A sweep of Gray—
Some scarlet patches on the way,
Compose an Evening Sky—
A little purple—slipped between—
Some Ruby Trousers hurried on—
A Wave of Gold—
A Bank of Day—
This just makes out the Morning Sky.

—Emily Dickinson, A Slash of Blue


  1. Winter uses all the blues there are.

One shade of blue for water, one for ice,

Another blue for shadows over snow.

The clear or cloudy sky uses blue twice-

Both different blues. And hills row after row

Are colored blue according to how far.

You know the bluejay’s double-blur device

Shows best when there are no green leaves to show.

And Sirius is a winter blue green star.

—Robert Francis, Blue Winter


  1. Somewhere between the light and the dark
    having cried, but not all of my tears
    I found a shade of blue to call my own
    Vibrant lemon yellows,
    the green of Sicilian olives,
    sunsets orange dazzle,
    the blackest, ripest plum
    have already been splashed across my inner canvas
    But today
    and maybe now for always
    It’s a Mediterranean blue spilling from my heart
    filling me up
    Cool, deep, fathomless
    between light and dark
    a perfect shade of blue
    to call my own

—Gainor Ventresco, A Perfect Shade of Blue


Poems about Blue

Whether you feel like thinking about your favorite color, sharing a nice little poem to your special someone, or feeling a lot of emotions, there’s a poem in this list for you.

  1. Blue is many things,

Blue is the water waving gracefully over the rocks.

Blue is the feeling of peace and calm.

Blue is something not to take for granted.

Blue is something never to be overlooked.

Blue is the cookie monster from Sesame Street.

Blue is the sky that is limitless and wonderful.

Blue is the color of her eyes.

Blue is strong, devoted and honorable.

Blue is the color I chose to make this poem.

—Bryce Miller, The Color Blue


  1. From the blue you appeared unforeseen,

And to the blue you have elated me in flight.

From the blue, an angel I envision you,

And how the blue casts your radiance for others to see!

From the blue it is your eyes that sparkle as jewels;

Behind this blue is where I wish to be.

From the blue, sweet wonder my heart has embraced;

To the blue it shall boundlessly escalate.

From the blue such vastness awaits;

To the blue may we soar together….

—Mary Lyle, From The Blue


  1. Blue eyes so full of life

A wonder all of their own

So beautiful and precious

Oh to see those eyes smile

Such a beautiful sight

How I love to look into those eyes

When I look into them

A kind of peace comes over me

Beautiful blue eyes

—Grace Hays, Beautiful Blue Eyes


  1. Shades of Blue Violet color the winter skies,

Black are the silhouette of the trees,

Brisk and wild the wind blows,

Cries of wolves heard upon the hills,

Knee deep in white snow.

As my thoughts of you return,

The sky turns a light blue.

The wind calms, the wolves are silent.

Snow melts and I am warm again.

—Jean Cast, Shades of Blue Violet


  1. Glistening blue as the river flows

Calms me deeply like a morning glow

Walk barefooted as I overflow

With this splashing fluid like a domino.

Funny Poems About Blue

Poetries about Shades of Blue

There are so many shades of blue – each one perfect to describe your physical environment or a lingering feeling.

  1. Eager to please

Eager to swallow

Hook, line and sinker

Such are but indigo sightings

Part of my rainbow

The color of blood oozes in delight

Reaching towards the relativities in life

Seeking a hand for support

Whatever leanings one has to offer

My point of reference

Has always been for the good of many

The poor, the sick and the needy

I may be deaf, I may be blind

But you Oh Lord

Know what my heart speaks over and over

I might be a fool to others

But justice seeks its own kind

On boundaries I say find

Indigo sightings

—Meggie Gultiano, Indigo Sightings


  1. For once in a lifetime do you meet a boy with aquamarine eyes

And only once will he make you feel alright

Because like all beauty, the love will fade

And those aquamarine eyes will stare at a different painting

And you will wish you were painted with acrylic instead of oil

—Arcane, Aquamarine


  1. “In spring the blue azures bow down

at the edges of shallow puddles

to drink the black rain water.

Then they rise and float away into the fields.

Sometimes the great bones of my life feel so heavy,

and all the tricks my body knows―

the opposable thumbs, the kneecaps,

and the mind clicking and clicking—

don’t seem enough to carry me through this world

and I think: how I would like

to have wings—

blue ones—

ribbons of flame.

—Mary Oliver, Spring Azures


  1. Spires silhouette the peaks of cobalt


An ancient castle in the sky

Made small by the Jovian night.

A hundred worlds engulfed within the eye

Reflected in star drops, quilted by the sigh

Of a species that had lost its wonder.

One last Traveler, the last of her kind,

Dyeing on the veranda

Of the fortress she had called her home,

Reaching her scaled hand to the stars

She asks,

“Are we alone?”

—Rob Rutledge, Cobalt


  1. Navy walls remind me of you

The exquisite color you said you’d choose

It represents the sky that is wide and blue

And even the ocean when it’s calm and cruel

You want me to love it for what’s it worth

But then you broke me with so much hurt

Now I feel blue living on earth

What will I do for a rebirth?


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