Pretty Poetry For Everyday

A simple snowman

13 Chill Winter Acrostic Poem Examples

Inside: 13 chill winter acrostic poem examples.

Winter is coming, if it’s not already here where you live, and it’s totally a poetry heavy season, if you’re interested in poetry. Whether it’s cold-weather moody poetry or fun and celebratory poetry, there will be poetry involved in the mood of the season.

These acrostic poetry examples are cute, fun, and simple ways to get into some winter poetry. Both reading and writing it!

Winter is a season of many moods, and these wintery poems will channel all the best vibes for you this season!
Snowmen, holiday parties, and skiing trips with friends are all fun elements to the season, and can easily be written about and expressed in an acrostic poem. It’s all the little things that make winter the fun season we all love despite the cold.

Whether you’re missing winter right about now, or you’re getting into the wintery mood, read these winter acrostic poem examples! You’re going to love them.

A little town in winter

The cutest parts about winter are getting cozy and reading a book, watching a movie, and drinking hot cocoa. If this is where you’re at right now and you’re ready to plop yourself on the couch and stay cuddled up all night, these winter acrostic poems will be just as fun of an activity to read in the meantime.

Read some of these examples of cute wintery poems and then come up with a few of your own! These are great writing prompts for kids in a classroom or anyone wanting to learn to write poetry. It’s a cute little exercise that really makes a world of difference when practicing writing. Check these out to get inspired.

Winter Poems

Winter poems may be moody, they may be bright, they may be celebrating all of the fun holidays before January begins or they may be longing for the break of spring. No matter what the poem is about, there’s definitely a mood to set.
What’s your favorite thing about winter? There’s probably a poem out there about it, ready to be read by you! But check out these acrostic winter poems first.

Winter Acrostic Poem Examples

1. Simple Acrostic

Winter is coming
I like Winter
Now winter is here
Time to play outside
Elves come to town
Reindeer fly

By Mrs. Simpson

2. Acrostic Winter

Winter is cold but wonderful,
Icy but peaceful.
Noses are always dripping and red,
The days are short as the nights have to come yet.
Every year this season brings a lot of fun and frolic,
Readily we always wait for it to come back again!

By Unknown

3. Winter

Whiteness and paleness abound

In this season of cold

Nevertheless smiles surround

The pine trees designed with gold

Embellishments all around

Rejoicing the holidays of old

By Anna Graziella Barreno

Kids throwing snow

Acrostic Poetry

Acrostic poetry is super cute, we’ve already discussed a few different ways to utilize it in your life. Whether you work with kids and want to give them a creative writing assignment or you want to give yourself one, using acrostic to start turning the creative gears is a great place to start.

You’ll love these acrostic poems about the winter time, and I definitely encourage you to write your own as well.

4. Moody

Will I ever see you again?
In the middle of the rain,
Neither of us seems to stay.
Those drops remind me of you
Even if I’m the only one in blue.
Reminisce, please, the word “us” baby

By Kim Derla

5. It’s Winter!

Winds stiff and cold nip at my nose
Icicles hang from rooftops and sparkle like jewels
Nightfall comes early and darkens the world
Trees bare and still wear coats of white snow
Eager children grab sleds and run up steep hills
Resting animals hibernate until spring breezes blow

By Third Grade Thinkers

6. Cheery

Warm hot chocolate, as good as sweet honey

In this season, there is nothing but whiteness and cold

Nevertheless, children’s laughs fill the lonely air

The cold winter weather roars with it’s mighty wind

Every day comes by too quick, shorter than an hour

Reindeer are flying high in the dark night sky, along Santa

By Andrea Richards

7. Winter Acrostic Poem

While I do like the winter, and freezing cold toes,
I never like winters without snowy snows!
Nothing’s much better, than a drippy, red nose!
The season of short days, when trees have no clothes!
Every year winter comes and I sing,
Real cold, not like fall, or summer, or spring!

By Mr. R

Poems About Winter

With all of the different movie plots about winter and different elements to the season, there’s likely another million ways to write about the winter in poetry form as well.

General poetry with the winter theme is probably more on the moodier side, but acrostic is so surface level, it’s probably going to have more of the fun feelings about the season involved instead of the woes of the shorter days and lack of sunshine!

Have fun with poems about magical snowmen and ice princesses– it’s a cute time of year to have abundant imagination.

8. Winter Wonderland Of Fun

Waiting patiently for the snow to fall
Into thick fur coats and mittens we jump
Necks warm with colorful scarves and collars
Thick and fluffy are our blankets and sheets
Everybody snuggled close by the fireplace
Reaching for cups of freshly made hot chocolate

Watching intently out the window
Opening our eyes to a lovely scene
Nature is always at its very best this time of the year
Deer and rabbits run freely through the fields
Each one finding their own place to feed
Ravaging through plants and flowers
Life here seems like such a dream
Always brings a smile to everyone’s heart
Now that the snow is beginning to fall
Dive in and go for a ride on your sled

Open up that new set of skis you received
Freefall down the icy slopes and hillsides

Find a friend and enjoy the view with them
Up above the world so high you stand
Now and forever in this winter wonderland of fun

By Jeremy0826

9. Poetry Lesson

Wind to snow to get to the sea
In the snow, the kids play
Near our house, a pyramid of snow grows
The earth sleeps in winter
Even on cold days, I like to play outside
Restful and peaceful, all the people go to sleep

By Unknown

10. Winter

Winter bringing snowstorms
Icicles forming in the edges of cars
sNow covering the whole pathway lane
Tractors clear the parking lot
strEet lights lose power
Roads become slippery

by Unknown Student

Winter Poems about Christmas trees

Winter Acrostic Poetry

These winter acrostic poem examples are some of the most fun poems I’ve read in a while! Acrostic poetry is fun and lighthearted already, and adding the fun winter themes only advances that vibe!

Enjoy these, use them on Christmas cards, as Facebook post captions, make graphics with them to decorate your home for the season… there are so many ways to utilize these poems, have fun with it!

11. Daily Challenge

White fluffy snow all around
Ice skating is fun to do
Need to wear a hat and gloves
Trees have lost their leaves
Enjoying hot chocolate
Really cold outside

By St Ernans

12. It’s Elementary!

Wet and white when it snows
Icicles sometimes form
Not my favorite season
Temperatures are cold
Even snowmen bundle up!
Really early sunsets!

By Miss Ellen

13. Winter

Winter means…
Ice is freezing the garden outside
New changes of weather
Tubity’s Toy shop keeps children up all night long
Enjoyable moments
Red noses, on children when they come inside

It’s snowing outside
Shoe boxes for children from far away lands

Happy times with your family
Everybody together watching “The Grinch” on the couch
Reindeers and Santa in the sky doing their practice run
Evenings getting darker, means Christmas is getting closer

By Molly

What are your favorite winter memories?

I’ve lived in Texas my whole life so there aren’t too many cute winter things happening around here, it’s just a bitter wind. But I have spent a lot of time in winter in New York, and one of my favorite memories is eating pizza next to the Empire State Building with my best friend, and seeing the first snowfall of the season begin outside our window.

We paid the check and ran outside to stand under the New York snow, in a rare moment where the street was quiet, as we stood on the street under the iconic Empire State Building. Talk about a core winter memory.

Whatever memory makes winter feel magical and wonderful to you, think of that moment and try your own winter acrostic poem!

And as spring approaches, see check out some Easter acrostic poems!

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