Pretty Poetry For Everyday

Food Poems

37 Rhyming Poems About Food to Curb Your Hunger

Inside: Rhyming good and shorty food poems 

Food connects us all. It is the one thing, apart from being humans, that we all have in common. Though we all contain many differences from one another, I can say without a shred of a doubt that every human on this planet needs food to survive.

I love this because it lifts those barriers and makes you realize how connected we all are.

We have foods that we eat on the daily basis, when we are sick, for special occasions…It is such an integral part of our everyday life. So It should be no surprise that there are hundreds, if not thousands of poems dedicated to the theme of food.

Poetry is a reflection of the mind. It is a way to put our emotions to paper. And I think food brings out more emotions than we realize. I find that a particularly good sandwich can have me grinning from ear to ear, or eating a home-cooked meal prepared by mom will transport me back to my middle school days.

Food is magic!

Rhyming Food Poems

If you are interested in reading some poetry about food, written by people all around the world, then you are in the right place. I have created an epic list of over 37 food poems that will absolutely have you making a trip to the fridge. At the very least, they will have you appreciating about amazing food is.

This is something that is surprisingly overlooked. We really do take it for granted. So starting today, we are gonna pay a little homage to the stuff that allows us to keep on living this awesome life of ours.

Without further ado…Food Poetry!

Rhyming Short Poems About Food

Typically, when someone thinks of poetry, they always think of it as something done in rhyme. Though it is a lot of fun in this form, it is not always the case when it comes to poetry. There are many forms that do include sentences that rhyme, but I wanted to start out this article in an extra fun way. So this list is full of rhyming food poems that will make your stomach rumble!

Grab a snack and check these out.

1. Honey Is So Sweet

Honey is so sweet,
sweet – kind words you say – tweet.
Vinegar so strong – bitter,
hurtful – mean words you say make me shiver.
Speak with honey on your tongue as a sweet treat.

Paula Goldsmith

2. The Time Has Come

If the deli seems smelly
and the fast food tastes rude
The time has come
to cook your own food

A piece of advice
ere you begin
Scrub and clean all the cookware
before the ingredients go in

Gershon Wolf


Turkey so dry that I can’t speak
Brussel sprouts boiled for a week
Roast potatoes burnt to a crisp
Lumpy gravy
I feel Sick

Jan Allison

4. Down To My Feet

Most likely I’ve eaten a farmer’s field of wheat
I’m loaded with fiber right down to my feet
When I’m dead and gone
Plant me on the front lawn
Such yummy Shredded Wheat can’t be beat

– Jack Ellison

5. Poetic Enticement Of Cheese

My busy muse I want always to please
For my taste buds it seems to have the keys
I bring out from within the deep freeze
Mouthful chunks of any one of these
Gauda, cheddar, or edam to appease
I’m fond of and crave for the choicest cheese
The first opportunity to eat I’ll blatantly seize.

If I’m writing a poem the ink’s flow will cease
I’ll forget to dot the i’s and cross the t’s
The unfinished poem will end as it is
The muse will fly away in the breeze
For it could not get the desired piece.

From luring slices relishing delight I’ll squeeze
I’ll do it for my muse with much joyful ease
As these will melt within the tongue’s crease
I’ll devour with pleasure the heavenly cheese
Finishing the poem the muse will be at peace.

Subimal Sinha-Roy 

6. I Like Pizza

Pepperoni is red, cheese is food
I like pizza
How about you?

Justin Worthy

7. Everything On It

I asked for a hot dog
with everything on it,
And that was my big mistake,
‘Cause it came with a parrot,
a bee with a bonnet,
a wristwatch, a wrench, and a rake.
It came with a goldfish,
a flag, and a fiddle,
a frog and a front porch swing,
a mouse in a mask-
that’s the last time I ask
for a hot dog with everything.

Shel Silverstein

8. From Blossoms

“From blossoms comes

this brown paper bag of peaches

we bought from the boy

at the bend in the road where we turned toward

signs painted Peaches.

Li- Young Lee

9. Sorry I spilled it

The ham is on your pillow,

The egg’s in your sheet,

The bran muffin’s rollin’

Down under your feet,

There’s milk in the mattress,

And juice on the spread –

Well, you said you wanted

Your breakfast in bed.

– Shel Silverstein

10. Moon Eggs

Moon eggs, moon eggs,
Mom makes up the moon eggs,
not sunny-side up,
not boiled in a cup,
not fried over-easy
(which makes me so queasy)
not scrambled and stirred,
or whipped up and whirred,
but sunny-side down,
like a frown on a clown.
The yolk isn’t runny
or face up and sunny,
but solid and tasty,
if just a bit pasty.
I’ll eat with my spoon
my eggs like the moon.

Denise Rodgers

Haiku poems about food

Haiku Poems About Food

Haikus are some of my favorite forms of poetry. For those of you who don’t know, a Haiku is a short-form poem that originated in Japan. In a haiku, you are only allowed to use 17 syllables. 5 in the first line, 7 in the second, and 5 in the last. It’s a fun challenge. It even has a day dedicated to it! That’s right. April 17th is National Haiku Day.

So if you are interested in writing your own, check out this list of haiku poems dedicated to the subject of food. Once you have a good idea of what this form of poetry looks like, get to writing!

11. Hidden Treasure

inside our big oak tree
squirrels are eating stored-up nuts
snow and ice outside
Bill Baker

12. Fruit Haiku Poems

Emerald hands wave
fingers splayed, fig fruit plummets
palms towards the sun.

Joanna Feltham 

13. Summer

sun, ripe citrus fruit
sapphire sky flecked with white clouds~
tarmac road steaming

14. None

Plant food enters me,

I taste. My body digests.

I am well nourished.


15. None

Easy, simple, fast

Is there better happiness

Then fridge leftovers?


16. The Straight Beef

O pure is my love

Eternal, Sacred, and Pure

Burger, I love thee


17. Guac

Haas, dark pebbly skin

Creamy Green and Yellow Flesh

Oh guacamole!

Sarah Flannery

18. Asparagus

Crisp Asparagus,

Light drizzle of oil, salt, grill

Dust with Parmesan

-Sarah Flannery

19. None

We must breathe and eat

Good food sustains the good life

Take time to enjoy


20. 3697

Large spoon clinks around
A mug as the ice cream search
Comes to tasty end

Calvin Olsen

21. 3598

Cheap lemon meringue
Pie crust sticks to its base, then
Yellow ooze oozes

Calvin Olson

22. Dessert

fresh black forest cake
with choc’late cream and cherries
heaven on a plate

A H Shacknofsky 

23. None

Sharing a good meal;

Has nothing to do with food,

All to do with friends.


24. 3455

Maltesers ice cream’s
Tiny frozen Maltesers
Burst between my teeth

Calvin Olson

25. None

The sizzling sound of

a new batch of waffle fries

dropping in the grease.


26. 3228

Chocolate chips melting
“We’re making muddy buddies!”
Ringing through the house

Calvin Olson

27. None

Fast food tastes so good

It’s probably bad for you,

But good for your soul.

-Allen Steble

How to write a poem about your food

Good Poems About Food

This section may seem a little redundant because all of these poems have been good…but I had to include these! They range from hilarious to thought-provoking, and I thought they deserved to be seen. So take a look through these, and try not to get up to get any more snacks while you do.

I know that may be hard…but nothing is quite as uncomfortable as an overly stuffed stomach. I may have to write a poem about that subject myself.


I met this cool dude called Jaffa
In the beginning he was so sweet to me
Sadly after a while he gave me the pip
In the end he ran out of juice and I had to squash him
Then I pulverized his flesh to a pulp

Jan Allison

29. Blackberrying(Read more here)

Nobody in the lane, and nothing, nothing but blackberries,
Blackberries on either side, though on the right mainly,
A blackberry alley, going down in hooks, and a sea
Somewhere at the end of it, heaving. Blackberries
Big as the ball of my thumb, and dumb as eyes
Ebon in the hedges, fat
With blue-red juices. These they squander on my fingers.
I had not asked for such a blood sisterhood; they must love me.
They accommodate themselves to my milkbottle, flattening their sides.
-Silvia Plath

30. What Kind of Grocery Store is This

I try to pass the powdered donuts
They jump off the display
landing happily in my grocery cart.

I am next met by a shelf full of potato chips.
Lays – my favorite brand.
They throw themselves at my face.
I catch a bag in midair.

What kind of grocery store is this? I wonder.
Marie Callender’s lemon meringue pie laughs
and begins chasing after me.

Caren Krutsinger 

31. Food

In a side booth at MacDonald’s before your music class
you go up and down in your seat like an arpeggio
under the poster of the talking hamburger:
two white eyes rolling around in the top bun, the thin
patty of beef imitating the tongue of its animal nature.
You eat merrily.
-Brenda Hillman


My baker’s commissioned to bake
A huge cow shaped iced wedding cake
The groom is a farmer
He sure is a charmer
Its design could lead to heartbreak

When the bride saw the cake how she cried
Her traditional cake was denied
She screamed at the groom
Get out of this room
Then she plunged the knife in the cow’s side

Jan Allison

33. Butter

My mother loves butter more than I do,
more than anyone. She pulls chunks off
the stick and eats it plain, explaining
cream spun around into butter!
-Elizabeth Alexander

34. Ode to the Midwest

I want to be doused
in cheese
& fried. I want
to wander
the aisles, my heart’s
supermarket stocked high
as cholesterol. I want to die
wearing a sweatsuit—
I want to live
forever in a Christmas sweater,
a teddy bear nursing
off the front. I want to write
a check in the express lane.
I want to scrape
my driveway clean
myself, early, before
anyone’s awake—
that’ll put em to shame—
I want to see what the sun
sees before it tells
the snow to go. I want to be
the only black person I know.
I want to throw
out my back & not
complain about it.
I wanta drive
two blocks. Why walk—
I want love, n stuff—
I want to cut
my sutures myself.
I want to jog
down to the river
& make it my bed—
I want to walk
its muddy banks
& make me a withdrawal.
I tried jumping in,
found it frozen—
I’ll go home, I guess,
to my rooms where the moon
changes & shines
like television.
– Kevin Young

35. Oranges

I’ll choose for myself next time
who I’ll reach out and take
as mine, in the way
I might stand at a fruit stall
having decided
to ignore the apples
the mangoes and the kiwis
but hold my hands above
a pile of oranges
as if to warm my skin
before a fire.
-Roisin Kelly

36. Appetite(excerpt)

The merest suggestion of mouth
and I was ravenous—I filled the house
with chocolate, chestnuts, strudel,
blood sausage; I bathed in butter.
 -Rynn Williams

37. Peaches

A mouthful of language to swallow:
stretches of beach, sweet clinches,
breaches in walls, pleached branches;
britches hauled over haunches;
bunched leeches, wrenched teachers.
What English can do: ransack
the warmth that chuckles beneath
fuzzed surfaces, smooth velvet
richness, plashy juices.
I beseech you, peach,
clench me into the sweetness
of your reaches.
-Peter Davidson
Poems about food

How to Write a Poem About Food

There really is no wrong way to write a poem, especially if you are just doing it for the sake of fun. So any pressure that you are feeling, shake it off. That is step one!

For this, you will need a writing utensil and paper, or if you prefer to write electronically you’ll need a phone, laptop or tablet. Once you have those you can get started.

Choose a Food

You’ll want to start with choosing what kind of food you want to write about. You can also go the route of writing about food in a general and broad sense. If you are somehow drawing a blank, do not worry. Getting those creative juices flowing can be hard. I’m going to include a list of poem-worthy food down below to help you get those gears turning. While looking through the list, notice if any food stands out to you. Is there a food that you have tied to a specific memory? That can be a great jumping-off point for your poem! Take a look.

  • Fruit
  • Onions
  • Pineapple
  • Ice Cream
  • Honey
  • Bread
  • Juice
  • Birthday cake
  • Pie
  • Candy
  • Soup
  • Sandwiches

Reflect On the Food

After you have chosen a food, take a moment to reflect on it. How does it make you feel? Are there any memories tied to it? Does it symbolize anything for you? Take all of these into account.


Finally, you can put your pen to paper(or fingers to keypad). Take all of what you’ve reflected on and channel it onto the page. Remember that writing takes practice. So keep on going! Perhaps next time I make a list of food poems yours will be on the list.

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