Pretty Poetry For Everyday

23 Enchanting Flower Poems

Inside: 23 Enchanting Flower Poems to Read.

Flowers continue to enchant generations of men and women, who are helplessly attracted by their beauty. Among all the flowers out there, roses remain the most popular choice for poets around the world. Whether you are a skilled writer or just started your first steps into poetry, nothing is more adorable than sharing your feelings with someone through a short poem about love.

Poems with flowers in them are unique because they invite the reader to imagine their own emotions with you or towards someone else, thus becoming a timeless gift. Here is our list of 20 Enchanting Flower Poems for all occasions.

Enchanting Flower Poems

Daffodil Poems

Daffodils are beautiful flowers that symbolizes rebirth and hope and using them in poems brings positivity and resilience especially in difficult times.

  1. There’s news of swallows on the air,

There’s word of April on the way,

They’re calling flowers within the street,

And Daffodil comes home to-day.

—Bliss Carman, Daffodil’s Return


  1. When April thrills the wakening hills,

The sunshine on their summits spills

The charm divine of amber wine—

Then come the darling daffodils, —

The darling, darling daffodils!

—Arthur Goodenough, My Daffodils


  1. Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower,

But I could never sell—

If you would like to borrow,

Until the Daffodil

Unties her yellow Bonnet

Beneath the village door,

Until the Bees, from Clover rows

Their Hock, and Sherry, draw,

Why, I will lend until just then,

But not an hour more!

—Emily Dickinson, Perhaps you’d like to buy a flower

Spring flower poems

  1. I wandered lonely as a cloud

That floats on high o’er vales and hills,

When all at once I saw a crowd,

A host, of golden daffodils;

Beside the lake, beneath the trees,

Fluttering and dancing in the breeze.

—William Wordsworth, Daffodils


Sunflower Poems

The sunflower is a happy flower, perfect for poems to make everything lively and sunnier.

  1. Sun-flowers, stop growing!

If you touch the sky where those clouds are passing

Like tufts of dandelion gone to seed,

The sky will put you out!

You know it is blue like the sea . . .

Maybe it is wet, too!

Your gold faces will be gone forever

If you brush against that blue

Ever so softly!

—Hilda Conkling, Sun Flowers

  1. Ah! sunflower, weary of time,

Who counts the steps of the sun,

Seeking after that sweet golden clime

Where the traveler’s journey is done;

Where the youth pined away with desire,

And the pale virgin shrouded in snow,

Arise from their graves and aspire;

Where my sunflower wishes to go.

—William Blake. Ah! Sunflower


  1. Up from the wayside damp and cold

Cut of the early Kansas mold

Blossomed the sunflowers, green and gold,

Eastward turning at dawn’s first light

Hourly drinking the sunbeams bright

Westward waving a fond goodnight.

Kissed by the sunshine and the dew

Under the Kansas skies of blue

Like unto sunflowers, the children grew.

—Lottie Brown Allen, Sunflowers


  1. Oh sunflower! The queen of all flowers,

No other with you can compare,

The roadside and fields are made golden

Because of your bright presence there.

Above all the weeds that surround you

You raise to the sun your bright head,

Embroidering beautiful landscapes

Your absence would leave brown and dead.

—Ed. Blair, An Ode to the Kansas Sunflower


Rose Poems

Roses are not just perfect as a gift during Valentine’s Day but also the best flower to describe a love that is heartfelt and true.

  1. From where I’d watched the roses blown

Their bodies bent and brightly doused

Their forms aroused in wiry crowds

Petals pink upon a breeze

are thrown about the golden eve

Such a fabulous flock, how I envy their flight!

How I covet their course, sailing into the night

—Gene Starwind, Roses in the Rain

Rose Poems

  1. Hope is like a harebell trembling from its birth,

Love is like a rose the joy of all the earth;

Faith is like a lily lifted high and white,

Love is like a lovely rose the world’s delight;

Harebells and sweet lilies show a thorn less growth,

But the rose with all its thorns excels them both.

—Christina Rossetti, Love is like a rose


  1. Another Mother’s Day is here,

Bringing joy and pleasures new,

On this special day, Mother dear,

I want to remember you.

I cannot give you costly gifts,

And I’ve told you this before,

No matter what I give to you,

You give back much, much more.

I’m giving you a pure, sweet rose,

Gathered in the early morn,

This rose you planted in my heart,

The day that I was born.

—Cleo M. Shoffstall, A Rose for Mother


  1. A red rose for a beloved one

Who shines brightly like the sun.

Our love is like a flower bud,

It’s rosy and not dull.

I removed the thorns as I go to you

To leave the pain that I’ve been through.

I’d choose you over everything blue

Because you are truly my blessed breakthrough.


Cherry Blossom Poems

Cherry blossoms, also known as Sakura in Japanese, bring new hope as it indicates the coming of spring. In a poem, they indicate a time of renewal and the fleeting nature of life.

  1. A cloud of cherry blossoms;

The temple bell, -

Is it Ueno, is it Asakusa?

How many, many things

They call to mind

These cherry-blossoms!

Very brief –

Gleam of blossoms in the treetops

On a moonlit night.

—Basho Matsuo


  1. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now

Is hung with bloom along the bough,

And stands about the woodland ride

Wearing white for Eastertide.

Now, of my threescore years and ten,

Twenty will not come again,

And take from seventy springs a score,

It only leaves me fifty more.

—A. E. Housman, A Shropshire Lad  2: Loveliest of trees, the cherry now


  1. Cherry blossoms on the tree,

Their scent of sweetness is divine.

There are grapes and berries in the woods,

Springing forth upon their vines.

To pick and taste their sweetness,

Is like none you’ve ever known.

Now I don’t remember planting them,

It must be something God has grown.

—Linda Winchell, Cherry Blossoms

Cheerful flower poems

  1. Pink flowers bloom,

These cherry blossoms whose petals consume.

They fall like rain blushing the streets,

A magical view nothing can beat.

I look forward to them every year.

They give me a heads up that spring is here.

I wish they can last for a whole year round,

So that I can always see a beautiful pink-covered ground.



Poems about Flowers

Flowers have many powers beyond beauty and emotions. Withholding many meanings and sentiments, a blossoming bud brings happiness to someone who sees it.

  1. My sweet lion’s tooth,

The star-flower, the yellow buds

That bloom, the wish-granting blossoms,

Tap-rooted, northern born and bred, wild.

Lobed, rosette, a prize for the lion’s teeth

The paddock’s stars, the clock-seeds,

We’re running out of time, you’ll wilt soon.

—Amelia Doherty, Dandelion


  1. The end of term,

a long, dry spell.

Someone gave you an orchid with seven flowers.

On the mantelpiece,

each pink head seemed to loll its tongue,

its mouth wide open,

holding its breath,

clinging to the stalk

that drooped to the left.

—David Van-Cauter, The Orchid


  1. The soul of a fallen flower,

Will be reborn on Buddha’s flower garden,

With no exceptions.

Flowers are gentle and kind.

When the sun calls them,

They burst open and smile.

They give their sweet nectar to the butterflies,

And offer all their fragrance to people.

When the wind calls them to come,

They also follow obediently.

And they even allow their fallen petals

To be used as food when children play house.

—Misuzu Kaneko, A Flower’s Soul (Translated by Midori Yoshida)


  1. O! my heart now feels so cheerful as I go with footsteps light

In the daily toil of my dear home;

And I’ll tell to you the secret that now makes my life so bright—

There’s a flower at my window in full bloom.

—Lucian B. Watkins, The Flower at My Window


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