Pretty Poetry For Everyday

Two pies on a white kitchen counter

7 Yummy Pie Poems To Attach To Your Treat

Inside: 7 yummy pie poems for all the winter treat vibes.

We all love a good dessert moment. Cake or pie, cookies or ice cream, they’re all great and they all hit the spot for those of us with an easy to satisfy sweet tooth.

However, in American culture, the traditional pie takes the cake for the best and most classic dessert in the sweets department. No one can resist a good slice of pie any time of year, but something about the cold weather months and the holidays has us breaking out the pies for every get together and every gathering.

If you love pie as much as the next person, then you’re going to love these little poems!

Poetry about food is so fun and lighthearted, and there are so many different uses for them. Whatever you’re using this for, you’re going to find the best pie poems around, right here.

Let’s dig into these pies… I mean pie poems.

Various pies sitting on an orange counter.

It would be such a fun idea to add one of these poems to a card or write it on a box if you’re delivering pies as a gift to a friend or loved one for the holidays. It’s an easy gift to give that doesn’t add clutter, and good food is a great gift to give. Who doesn’t love digging into a good pie? Give the gift of yum.

Adding poems just makes it a little more personal and a little bit more gifty.

Maybe you’re hosting a dinner party and every dish needs to have its own little note card accompanying it with a label. You might as well add something fun and cute like a poem to each one too! So that would be a great time to use these pie poems.

Have fun with these and bon appetite!

Why Pies?

I’ve always asked myself when I think about all the amazing desserts we could be eating at Thanksgiving, why pies specifically? There isn’t anything terribly notable about why they should be a fall specific item, except for the apple pie and pumpkin pie flavors that frequent our kitchen in late November. And the chocolate caramel pies we devour in the winter.

So why pies?

America has this obsession with pies for all national holidays, and it’s not without reason!

According to HowStuffWorks, it all started during World War II. Apparently, it was pretty common for soldiers to miss the apple pie from home when they were stationed away at war. It was a classic that became a staple in American culture, so during travel and while being far away, you would miss it from being at home.

Soldiers would tell reporters that they were fighting in the war for their mothers and for apple pie… it doesn’t get more classically American than that.

While you enjoy your pie and your poems about them, think about the soldiers who have had to miss their favorite apple pies for months while fighting for our country. Then maybe it will make sense why it’s so beloved by our nation.

Famous Poems About Pie

Have you heard any famous food poems? I have, and they’re so fun and light hearted that I love to use them for dinner parties and food related gifts.

Check out these famous food poems about pie and get your appetite up for some sweet desserts!

1. Pie Thrice

whipped cream my vice
pumpkin pecan mincemeat spice
please another slice

By Succinctly

Close up on a berry pie

2. The Love Of October

I get excited this time of year
A bit of October chill in the air
Colored leaves bounce with a flare
Tents going up for the county fair

Crisp leaves crunching under my feet
Huge bales of hay resting in the fields
Corn stalks gathered round and tied neat
Bushel baskets of corn they do yield

Pumpkins and apples at roadside stands
Jars of blackberry and strawberry jams
Buckets of blueberries picked for pies
Leaving shrubs and bushes barren and dry

Jugs of apple cider brewed ever so sweet
Time for hot cocoa and marshmallow treat
Bring out the wool hats and wool sweaters
All gifts from God, life couldn’t be better

By Eileen Clark

3. Perfect For Any Occasion

Pies have a reputation.
And it’s immediate—no talk of potential

Regarding a pie. It’s good
Or it isn’t, but mostly it is—sweet, very sweet

Right then, right there, blue and red.
It can’t go to junior college,

Work hard for the grades,
Work two jobs on the side.

It can’t slowly build a reputation
And a growing client base.

A pie gets one chance
And knows it, wearing as makeup

Those sparkling granules of sugar,
As a collar those diamond cutouts

Bespeaking Fair Day, felicity, contentment.
I tell you everything is great, says a pie,

Great, and fun, and fine.
And you smell nice, too, someone says.

A full pound of round sound, all ahh, all good.
Pies live a life of applause.

But then there are the other pies.
The leftover pies. The ones

Nobody chooses at Thanksgiving.
Mincemeat? What the hell is that? people ask,

Pointing instead at a double helping of Mr.
“I-can-do-no-wrong” pecan pie.

But the unchosen pies have a long history, too.
They have plenty of good stories, places they’ve been—

They were once fun, too—
But nobody wants to listen to them anymore.

Oh sure, everybody used to love lard,
But things have changed, brother—things have changed.

That’s never the end of the story, of course.
Some pies make a break for it—

Live underground for a while,
Doing what they can, talking fast,

Trying to be sweet pizzas, if they’re lucky.
But no good comes of it. Nobody is fooled.

A pie is a pie for one great day. Last week,
It was Jell-O. Tomorrow, it’ll be cake.

By Alberto Rios

Pie Poems

Pie poems may be hard to come by, but I’ve done all the dirty work and collected them for you here. If you need one, look no further and sink your teeth into these.

Apples next to an apple pie

4. American As Apple Pie

Sister Sara’s talkin’ ‘bout reload
I think she’s tryin’ to get my goad
Those who says don’t build it there
Don’t want it built anywhere
You can shake your head and sigh
But it’s American as apple pie

It’s American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie

His campaign ad’s imagery
Of Nine/Eleven is on TV
I hate to even say his name
Because it’s clear he has no shame
You can shake your head and sigh
But he’s American as apple pie

He’s American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie

Divide and conquer
Has become a tool
Cos they don’t believe in
The Golden Rule
So who is it they think they fool
The uninformed and unschooled

It’s American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie

We don’t seem to know no more
What it is that we stand for
Some say freedom
But I’m not so sure
When hatred and division
Is at the core
Of what we’re seeing nowadays
So openly as it plays

It’s American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie

Divide and conquer
Has become a tool
Cos they don’t believe in
The Golden Rule
So who is it they think they fool
The uninformed and unschooled

Sister Sara’s talkin’ ‘bout reload
I think she’s tryin’ to get my goad
Those who says don’t build it there
Don’t want it built anywhere
You can shake your head and sigh
But it’s American as apple pie

She’s American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie
As American as apple pie

By Cedric McClester

5. Apple-Pie And Cheese

Full many a sinful notion
Conceived of foreign powers
Has come across the ocean
To harm this land of ours;
And heresies called fashions
Have modesty effaced,
And baleful, morbid passions
Corrupt our native taste.
O tempora! O mores!
What profanations these
That seek to dim the glories
Of apple-pie and cheese!
I’m glad my education
Enables me to stand
Against the vile temptation
Held out on every hand;
Eschewing all the tittles
With vanity replete,
I’m loyal to the victuals
Our grandsires used to eat!
I’m glad I’ve got three willing boys
To hang around and tease
Their mother for the filling joys
Of apple-pie and cheese!
Your flavored creams and ices
And your dainty angel-food
Are mighty fine devices
To regale the dainty dude;
Your terrapin and oysters,
With wine to wash ’em down,
Are just the thing for roisters
When painting of the town;
No flippant, sugared notion
Shall my appetite appease,
Or bate my soul’s devotion
To apple-pie and cheese!
The pie my Julia makes me
(God bless her Yankee ways!)
On memory’s pinions takes me
To dear Green Mountain days;
And seems like I see Mother
Lean on the window-sill,
A-handin’ me and brother
What she knows ‘ll keep us still;
And these feelings are so grateful,
Says I, “Julia, if you please,
I’ll take another plateful
Of that apple-pie and cheese!”
And cheese! No alien it, sir,
That’s brought across the sea,-
No Dutch antique, nor Switzer,
Nor glutinous de Brie;
There’s nothing I abhor so
As mawmets of this ilk-
Give me the harmless morceau
That’s made of true-blue milk!
No matter what conditions
Dyspeptic come to feaze,
The best of all physicians
Is apple-pie and cheese!
Though ribalds may decry ’em,
For these twin boons we stand,
Partaking thrice per diem
Of their fullness out of hand;
No enervating fashion
Shall cheat us of our right
To gratify our passion
With a mouthful at a bite!
We’ll cut it square or bias,
Or any way we please,
And faith shall justify us
When we carve our pie and cheese!
De gustibus, ‘t is stated,
Non disputandum est.
Which meaneth, when translated,
That all is for the best.
So let the foolish choose ’em
The vapid sweets of sin,
I will not disabuse ’em
Of the heresy they’re in;
But I, when I undress me
Each night, upon my knees
Will ask the Lord to bless me
With apple-pie and cheese!

By Eugene Field

Pie Quotes

Not all poems have to be long winded. These quotes read like poems and get the same message across about how much we love pie!

Empty pie crust

6. Lost Art

Pie throwing is kind of a lost art, and although it may be a rather rudimentary, burlesque humor, there’s something inherently funny about taking a pie in the face, under the right conditions.

By Johnny Carson

7. Star Stuff

The nitrogen in our DNA, the calcium in our teeth, the iron in our blood, the carbon in our apple pies were made in the interiors of collapsing stars. We are made of starstuff.

By Carl Sagan

Pie poems can be random, but around the holidays and the winter season, there are a ton of reasons to break out a random little poem about America’s favorite dessert.

Chocolate, cherry, apple, pumpkin… There are too many yummy options of pie flavors to choose from, and if you find yourself in a cool bakery that specializes in fun flavors, they just get better and better. Tres leches, caramel, turtle… The list goes on, and how could you not love a good slice of pie? Especially warm pie during these chilly months. It’s just what your body requires to keep warm when the cold wind blows!

Want some more sweet themed poems? I’ve got just the post for you. 21 short and sweet candy poems for you to divulge your sweet tooth into. Share them, post them, read them before going candy shopping… whatever floats your boat. Enjoy!

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