Pretty Poetry For Everyday

31 Beautiful Wildflower Poems

Every spring, lovely wildflowers pop up in barren fields and roadsides, providing color to otherwise drab landscapes.

The following poems are just a few examples of how much pleasure wildflowers can bring to those who stop for a moment to admire their beauty. From romantic wildflower poems to poems that use wildflowers to illustrate life and death, these 31 poems are sure to make you stop and notice the flowers around you!

These pieces will be enjoyed by young people, gardeners, hikers, teachers, and everyone who loves flowers. They are presented here to provide inspiration for the writer or to offer pleasure to any reader with a fondness for nature’s beauty.

Beautiful Wildflower Poems

Romantic Wildflower Poems

Many a lover has gone on a walk to pick out wildflowers for their sweetheart. Some poets have also likened their lovers to flowers. Below are some poems that illustrate the beauty and charm of wildflowers, especially when they are associated with a loved one.

1. Wildflower
“your heart finds
life in color
and boldness
and who you are,
makes you beautiful.”
⁠—Gaby Comprés

2. My Dear, Love Hasn’t Forgotten You
“I’m going to give you a handful of wildflowers
so, each petal that falls will remind you
that the earth breathes, and the moon rises.”
⁠—Carolyn Riker

3. Where the Wildflowers Grow
I’ll confess that you can find me
where the wildflowers grow;
In a place where only lifelong pairs
and lovers dare to go.
⁠—Glam Forest

4. She’s A Wildflower
“You see –
She’s a Wildflower
in a meadow of many
growing in the wild.”
⁠—Jennifer Colyne Hall

5. A Daisy’s Petal
“As I was walking down a dirt road
I picked a daisy along the way.
I thought of my true love,
And where he was today.”
⁠—Kay Foskey Ricks

6. Field of Flowers
“On a wild prairie
Where wild flowers grew
I drove limitless miles
Looking for you.”
—Matthew R. Brackley

Wildflowers and Nature Poems

In addition to the romantic poems about wildflowers, there are many other poems that describe a particular type of flower or a scene involving flowers. Some of the selections in this section will be enjoyed by gardeners and hikers, while others will appeal to people who appreciate beautiful poetry.

7. Wildflower
“And these, in particular, whether trout or corn lily,
onion or bellwort, just cut
this morning and standing open in tap water in the kitchen,
will close with the sun.
⁠—Stanley Plumly

8. Sabbaths 1999 II
“where the rarest wildflowers
are blooming, and who goes,
and finds that he is smiling
not by his own will.
⁠—Wendell Berry

9. The Charm Bracelet
“If I had to describe the scent of Michigan in spring and
summer, it wouldn’t be a
particular smell – blooming wildflowers or boat exhaust off the
lake – it would be a color: Green.”
⁠—Viola Shipman

10. Auguries of Innocence
“To see a World in a Grain of Sand
And a Heaven in a Wild Flower
Hold Infinity in the palm of your hand
And Eternity in an hour.”
⁠—William Blake

11. Wildflower
“The pungent bloom of an uncultivated variety
Nurtured through nature yet salient in strength
Growing freely within a sculpted society
The obelisks of bio inspired faith.”
⁠—Elizabeth Ulanova

poetry about wildflowers

Wildflower Poems From Famous Poets

These poems are some of the many inspired by wildflowers like daffodils and poppies.  They come from authors who are well-known for their contributions to English literature. These famous poems will be enjoyed by readers of all ages.

12. The Wildflower
“Black eyed susan
rich orange
round the purple core
the white daisy
is not
⁠—William Carlos Williams

13. Having Misidentified A Wildflower
“A thrush, because I’d been wrong,
Burst rightly into song
In a world not vague, not lonely,
Not governed by me only.”
⁠—Richard Wilbur

14. In Flanders Fields
“In Flanders fields the poppies blow
Between the crosses, row on row
That mark our place; and in the sky
The larks, still bravely singing, fly
Scarce heard amid the guns below.”
—John McCrae

15. Lupine Ridge
“Long after we are gone,
This ridge will shape the night,
Lifting the wine-streaked west,
Shouldering the stars.”
—Peggy Simson Curry

16. Marigold
“Each flower a wilting sun
The death of a new day is never kind
Grief ain’t no song
No loss is this romantic.”
—Mahogany L. Browne

17. Flower
“Gorgeous flowerets in the sunlight shining,

Blossoms flaunting in the eye of day,
Tremulous leaves, with soft and silver lining,
Buds that open only to decay.”
—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Naturalist Odes To Wildflowers

The wildflowers of North America are also loved by naturalists. Some of the following poems about wildflowers were written by some of the best-known naturalists of all time, while some are written by poets who appreciate wildflowers as they are.

18. Spring Beauties
“Prim pink pinstripes
beckon from the wet soil
beside the creek. But like
most beauties, they’re choosy
about their suitors.”
⁠—Dave Bonta

19. Daffodils
“I wander’d lonely as a cloud
That floats on high o’er vales and hills
When all at once I saw a crowd,
A host, of golden daffodils.”
⁠—William Wordsworth

20. Wildflower
“when I was a wildflower bending the wind
to my will on strong stems–free.”
⁠—L.G. Figgins

21. Morning Glories
“taken with the serious tons
weeds without value humorous
beautiful weeds.”
⁠—Mary Oliver

22. The Tuft of Flowers
“Seeking with memories grown dim o’er night
Some resting flower of yesterday’s delight.”
⁠—Robert Frost

23. The Lilac is an ancient shrub
“The Lilac is an ancient shrub
But ancienter than that
The Firmamental Lilac
Upon the Hill tonight—”
⁠—Emily Dickinson

24. Mutability
“The flower that smiles to-day

To-morrow dies;

All that we wish to stay

Tempts and then flies.”

⁠—Percy Bysshe Shelley

Poems About Life and Wildflowers

poems about life and wildflowers

Many poems about wildflowers express themes that can be enjoyed by anyone. For example, life and death are common subjects in poetry, and many of the following poems about wildflowers also deal with this important idea.

25. Journey of a Wildflower
“Elder wildflowers burst from the ground.
They’re intricate and strong but very proud.”
⁠—Hallie A.

26. Mighty Wildflower
“The world of leaves around you gave up
Their lives under the powerful attack of the rock.
But you decided to shine.”
—Mohini Puranik

27. Interlaken
“skimming treelines across the range
littered with wildflowers. Winds lilted:
It’s not your day to go.”
⁠—Su Hwang

28. Wildflower Listening
“No longer resisting
Just listening
Like a wildflower, listening.”
⁠—Leah Thomas

29. Queen Anne’s Lace
“until the whole field is a
white desire, empty, a single stem,
a cluster, flower by flower,
a pious wish to whiteness gone over—
or nothing.”
—William Carlos Williams

30. Ah! Sunflower
“Ah! sunflower, weary of time,
Who countest the steps of the sun,
Seeking after that sweet golden clime
Where the traveller’s journey.”

—William Blake

31. Be A Wildflower Amongst The Roses
“​​Grow along the highways and dirt roads,
and be a sign of life amongst the concrete.”
—Lauren Jarvis Gibson

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