Pretty Poetry For Everyday

13 Delicious Cookie Poems

Inside : 13 Of The Most Delightful Poems About Cookies. 

A warm batch of cookies can honestly be considered a poem for the soul! They are not only deliciously tasty, but the nostalgia that is garnered from a tray of homemade cookies is something to revel at.

Whether it be some Christmas cookies you made with your family, or a batch of homemade cookies your grandma made with her own top secret recipe, all cookies are great cookies!

The homey feeling you get from that first bite is so incredible. So many people agree with this sentiment that they felt moved enough to write poems about their cookie experience. We’ve compiled a list of our 13 favorite delectable cookie poems, so let’s take a bite and check them out!

Cookie Poems

Cookie Poems

These cookie poems will have you getting out all the ingredients to make a batch yourself because you’ll be craving them!

1. “That’s the way the cookie crumbles, / They tell me not to pout. / I’m okay with crumbling cookies, / As long as they’re in my mouth.”

2. “A home should have a cookie jar,

For when it’s half part three.

And children hurry home from school,

As hungry as can be.

There’s nothing quite so splendid,

in filling children up.

As spicy fluffy ginger cakes

and sweet milk in a cup.


A home should have a mother

waiting with a hug.

Not matter what a boy brings

home ~ a puppy or a bug.

For children only loiter,

when the bell rings to dismiss

If no ones home to greet them

with a cookie and a kiss.”—Unknown


3. “The aroma that left left behind,

Even when you’re not around,

Makes my stomach flutter,

With a craving for more,

And a longing that devours.


I remember the taste,

With a cup of tea and sunset”—Sheetal Dubey


4. Tossing My Cookies: This is a cute poem about the process of making cookies for someone! I love it because it reads like a nursery rhyme but it’s all about yummy cookies.


5. “We’re baking cookies for Santa

because that’s what good kids do.

We’re going to add chocolate chips

The recipe is tried and true.


We’re pouring Santa a glass of milk

All that delivering takes a toll.

We hope he likes our home cooked batch

and fits through our chimney’s hole!


Santa must be almost here

because my eyes are getting tired.

The cookies are coming out,

They’re fresh and not expired.


So when I finally go to sleep,

and Santa comes to eat.

He’ll smell the smell of cookies

and take our little treat.”—Jody Webster

Poems About Cookies


Poems About Cookies

Treat yourself or someone you love by reading one of these poems about scrumptious cookies.

6. One Smart Cookie: If you’re a teacher, or work with kids, this one’s for you! It’s an adorable cookie poem that you can print out and hand it out with a cookie to your students before you meet them on the first day! Or as a parent you can send your child off to their first day with a cookie to ease their nerves with a treat.

7. “The ultimate chocolate chip cookies

Have a center that’s gooey and warm;

They are always fresh out of the oven,

With a perfectly circular form.


The ultimate chocolate chip cookies

Have just as much chocolate as dough;

They’re cooked to a warm golden brown—

A secret that only moms know.


The ultimate chocolate chip cookies

Go best with some milk on the side

And always fit well in your pocket

(For the extras you’re trying to hide).


And though they say sharing is nice—

And I am inclined to agree—

I must say, I like them the best

When it’s only the cookies and me.”—Barbara Vance


8.The cookie jar people

Hopped out one night

When the cookie jar lid

Was not on tight.


The gingerbread man

Opened raisin eyes

And looked about

In great surprise.


The frosted bunny

Twinkled his nose

And danced around

On his cookie toes.


The sugary duck

Began to quack

And shake the sugar

Off his back.


The cinnamon bear

Could only grunt

For he was too far

To do a stunt.


The coconut lamb

Jumped up so high

That his little white tail

Flew high in the sky.


They were all so happy

To be at play

That they danced and danced

And danced away.


The danced away

So very far

That they never came back

To the cookie jar”—Unknown

9. The Cookie Thief by Valerie Cox: A funny, simple poem that uses a rhyming scheme to tell a funny story about someone’s experience with who they think is a cookie thief!

10. “Cookies in the morning / Cookies late at night / Cookies make me happy / Have another bite! / Cookies when you’re happy / Cookies when you’re sad / Cookies by the plateful / Cookies make me glad!”

Adorable Cookie Poems

Adorable Cookie Poems

These are all the perfect poems to attach to a cookie gift platter. There’s also a Christmas themed one if you need a last minute gift with a cute attachment!

11. “Homemade cookies taste so sweet. / They’re fun to bake and good to eat. / I hope these few will bring you cheer / to last long after they all disappear!”

12. “I made you some cookies / and they really were yummy. / In fact they were so good / they ended up in my tummy. / I would have made some more / but I ran out of eggs and butter. / So I’m doing the next best thing / I’m sending you this cookie cutter.”

13. “I made a plate of cookies to share with you this year.

I thought it was a good way to spread some Christmas cheer.

They all looked really tasty, so I thought I’d eat just one.

And a little while later I noticed there were none.

So here’s my Christmas greeting and a cookie cutter too.

Now you can make your own cookies and maybe share a few.”

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