Inside: 17 Basketball Poems While basketball may not exactly hold the title, “America’s pastime”, it’s still is very near and dear to many people’s hearts…and not just in the U.S!…
Inside: 11 Champagne Poems Champagne, the drink of celebrations! Name any kind of exciting moment and I bet you its being commemorated with this bubbly alcoholic drink. New house? Champagne!…
Summertime is a wonderful time of the year, and some may argue that it’s the MOST wonderful time, even when certain other seasons think they have the claim to that…
Color is all around it. It helps bring light into the world, not to mention order. Really think about it, we use color to differentiate everything from trash cans, to…
Inside: 17 best acrostic poems on mothers for Mother’s Day cards. Mothers are perhaps one of, if not, the most celebrated people in the world. There are poems, songs, and…
Inside: Lovely Mother’s Day poems that will let mom know how special she is to you, including poems about the loss of a mother figure. A mother’s love is a…
Inside: Aunt poems and quotes about aunts to share with your favorite relative when you want to remind her how important she is to you! When you think about the…
Inside: A medley of different poems about dandelions. While many may curse when dandelions pop up across their lawn or garden, this wildflower is celebrated in many different art forms.…
Take a moment and close your eyes, think about ice cream in all its glory. You’re already salivating, aren’t you? Kind of hard not to! I’m 99% sure that ice…
Inside: The Juiciest Peach Poems Peaches. They remind us of summer, of warm days spent outside, and of sticky fingers. They bring us back to grandma’s kitchen, or to that roadside…
Inside: Real Mom Poem Ideas For Mother’s Day With Mother’s Day right around the corner, what better time to take a moment to reflect on how much the moms in…
Poetry is a beautiful form of self-expression. It’s one of the most timeless art forms out there, after all, it’s been out around since roughly 15000 BC! That’s wild. The…